Oct 26, 2009

Snowflakes in the U.S.

Snowflakes in the U.S. Sometimes inspiration is found in unusual places. Today, it's a car commercial. In business, the uniqueness of the car was found by a snowflake. Millions of snowflakes, not a unique and beautiful each in its own way. People are the flakes of snow. The thought is a cause for genuine reflection.Each break free and everyone is original and surprising. What? S been said a million times in a million different ways and is one of the few positives, according to the universal concept. What? S is repeated again and again, for a reason? what? s true! Why, then, I have been given to this aspect of the amazing people? Each of us has great things from us. His compassion for others, our ability to paint in oils, our commitment as a mother, our sophistication in giving talks and presentations, or anything that makes you special, you.So often, we focus on our weaknesses, our pain and our mistakes. What you do not realize or fully admit is that this approach is our biggest mistake. Every mistake, every weakness, every missed opportunity and is reflected in our significant strengths, successes and experiences. Without doubt, our goodness and beauty very much overshadowed our weaknesses. Embrace the wonder of you. Embrace the beauty of her. Pay attention to mistakes and failures as their teacher. The shots are there to lea and help us grow. But we can not see them for what they are when not fully appreciate the love and truth of ourselves. Are you a snowflake.Heather Coulter is the Founder and President of La Femme. La Femme is an online forum for members of the community of women who offer information, resources and one-on-one counseling for the sake of empowerment, friendship and personal growth. Please join us in

Life is a mystery or

Life is a mystery or Being the last of three daughters, which was a surprise for me parents who were very careful not to have any More children. At the age of 30 years my mother has discovered that expecting their third child, and not very happy that That. All my life I was constantly reminded how to grow Was not envisaged and therefore not really want. But thank God, I was a child and, indeed, was good be the best thing that never came. But with this thought in the back of my head, was formed so that the class Grew. I thought it was a "mistake" and Therefore should not have been bo before. Where misfits fit in? I know that my mother does not mean to inculcate these ideas in me, but I had an important role confidence.It in my car it was not until a couple of years ago, which actually came to I realize that it was not a mistake, and although it was a big surprise for my partents, called me to be a quarter something for a God who knows us, even before formed in our mother womb.I now know that life is not a secret, God has a plan for each And each of us. How I know this you may ask. Once became saved, I started strong in the Word of God And he has answers for every question you can ever. The answer to what my goal is yours, and also for question can be found in the book Ephesians.Ephes. 1:4 According as He chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and Blameless before him in love.Ephes. 1:5 Having predestinated us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ himself, in accordance with good His pleasure will.This tells us that He has chosen us even before they formed the land so that it would be holy and distinguished for scholarships With him. He chose to become his heirs kingdom through his Son Christ must choose to be His son through adoption.As created the first man and woman in His own image, Ordered and have been fruitful and multiply Dominion over every living thing on earth. Just what is the Image of God? His image is displayed in all attributes are love, tendeess, kindness, humility, Disinterested ... all that is good and holy. As God is the trinity, defined as three separate entities, has also created men into three parts, the body, mind and spirit. The body represents our caal man, the party is destined to die, the mind is our will and our emotions and spirit is what Spirit unites us to God. " We were created to be a spiritual being with a human experience and human Have a spiritual experience. Do not confuse these two or go through life wondering why you're here.In his agape (perfect) from their love of God created man to be his sons, so that he could bless to distinguish them from any other living creature on Land. Be devoted, we must be righteous and holy and enter into a beautiful relationship with God our Father. For God commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, it is no doubt that his intention was to fill land and a large garden Eden.But since God is a loving Father and not a tyrant, he His new creation, free choice of love or of no retu. In allowing us to take our decisions would have to know Who really loves him. He does not do anyone with scholarships What we do not choose to do so.This is the fall of mankind from the beginning as God was an adversary, the devil, that the work has been to destroy Perfect plan of God. " To this day Satan is still trying to comply with this plan, but it will be a process and one day be condemned to the lake of fire for eteity. Not only Himself, but who continues to live Same sentence. Because God is holy, He can not allow the sinners of the world for entry into his kingdom. A son of Satan, is the son of God, without hope the adoption of these disobedient ones.Satan 's pride and arrogance is what drove the the sky and, therefore, was given full reign on earth and that is why today our war is not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers (Ephes. 6:12). Satan Takes his exile in the land very seriously, is adament destroy what God meant for good. His first goal the destruction was, of course, the unsuspecting Eve. Went smart, shrewd and charming at the same time. Drew Eve thought that God had lied to her and that if he ate The result would be like a god and he knows All. This sounds very attractive! Temptation is the beginning of sin that is difficult to resist. The first The flavor is sweet and always in a satisfactory manner. Usually it feels like More. And the sin is contagious. As he ate the fruit and seemed to be enjoying so much, Adam was not very To try too. Not correct their behavior, which tolerated and enters the forbidden fruit, as well. To today it is very difficult to resist the temptations Lead to sin. Varied and is human to be attracted by what is Prohibited. It raises our curiosity. We do not rationalize seriousness of sin, until it is too late.If listened to our spirit, we know that when things is forbidden by our own good to resist them. The catastrophic results generally are not indicated in the first which is why it is so attractive as to be convinced that Satan Eva deeper.Just not die (at least no delay), we always justify the reasons for May yield to temptation. Being human, we say Ourselves that no one will be male, why not Right? Mal ... as the Bible says, there are only collecting What we have sown. You can not hide anything from God.Adam and Eve had their eyes opened to their nakedness And can not hide from God, either. Once the sin keep your eyes open for the realization that we are naked before God and nothing can hide the fact. Sin Takes An immediate change of events. Once outside, as As Adam, not our responsibility. As God left in office, has been questioned for the first offense. Immediately pointed the finger at New Year and said that God She has done. If this sounds familiar? What will Around comes around. Then blame Eve for the snake her.After fooled all these thousands of years, we have changed our Nature to all sinners. Always pointing the finger at others rather than Own up to what we did. We have not made much progress area.But in this God who is holy and just man is also the same Yesterday, today and forever. Do not listen to it later and he still does not listen to their lies and excuses. He commanded to obey and had only heard of him Be blessed abundantly. But as a result And cursed Satan, too. So why not assume that God will overlook our sins today? One thing that God can not neglect is deliberate or tolerate sin. Once we know the truth, we can not sin if deliberately Actually saved. Paul writes in His Word as follows: Heb. 10:26 a.m. For if sin deliberately after we received Knowledge of the truth, there is no more Sacrifice for sins. (c. 27), however, a certain fear of looking Sentence and fiery indignation, which devour the adversaries.As result of disobedience of the first man, God cast from a life of blessing to one of the difficulties. This inheritently curse is spent in each generation. We free will to tu from sin and choose to enjoy the blessings of God or die in disobedience against him, after Sentence. Remember, he does not exceptions to rules.Just how God created man from dust, man of promise retu to dust in order to accept his eteal life through Christ. You know where you spend eteity? If you I'm not sure it is not too late to get right with God is always ready to forget and forgive your sins. He loves you and invites you to be part of His kingdom through His Son Satan Christ.Is not worth it when you do not have your best Interest at hand? Remember that in order to steal, kill and Destroy. No matter how attractive their offer may seem, only realize that is a liar and the father of them. Knowing the truth! I ask God to forgive him his sins, because you are a sinner and must accept Christ as their Lord and Savior of Take responsibility for their lives. He will intercede for you when you I ask God in prayer. Admitting that you believe that Christ died, it was Buried and resurrected to eteal life. Let her lead and soon you will see a change in your life. Know that your purpose is to serve a loving God who wants to to bless and give you eteal life.To be a friend of Jesus is a friend of sinners. Make a difference in the life of someone today.Vivian Gordon was a follower of Christ to be inspired good news of the Gospel to all those who listen. E 'la tua the work of planting the seed of eteal life in the heart that can Stoney ground otherwise.

Oct 25, 2009

Playing with Matches

Playing with Matches The games are all the power, a new world opens up when a game that broke all children flames.Most go through a period of fascination with matches. I have my children, as most children in the neighborhood. The game with the taboo of the games has been talked and written countless times in our games history.I on batteries, electricity, and blackpowder. My friends and I have also succeeded in blasting caps, safety and played with them. We do not have? T dynamite found, so we tried to do with limited success. We experimented with gasoline and fire. As adolescents, adolescents and youth, we were fascinated by the power and energy for these things and the ability to control them.One ignorant of the blessings of which is not? T have to do with the consequences of actions until it blows into your face.This is why we must protect our children from themselves and the consequences of their actions. I love children and are not afraid of you, until you understand the consequences, and even then that sometimes drives us to continue their limits.Every generation of men is another year in his physical maturity, but was very slow in its development. The human race on this earth for thousands of years and until about 100 years ago, was still the horse and buggy horse and primitive tools.When with the diversity of experiences of human evolution, now on our planet, we can determine that we are not been able to live positively with the breathtaking physical forces and energies that are available to us. Those from horse and buggy to the space, the same sign of immaturity in dealing with the power and energy. Although humbled by the energy that they seek to control it.I grew up with the story of people moving from monkeys at the time of the discovery of fire. After experimenting with fire the monkey was bued and transformed by her in fear, not at all further.Why some inhabitants of the land develop faster than others? I live in a prosperous part of Canada in North America, very generous immigration policy. The country is different, with all cultures. I can testify that many people who struggle with new technologies, which seem to come from a place and time. Many of them feel forced to technology, nor fear, but the power he or she does not feel, or the need for them. Our older generations have left behind, and many have abandoned the fight or to keep up with it.Humanity works backwards in an attempt to use the power or control. Work from the outside in. He tries to huge amounts of energy and use his power to prove. It is important to note that there is a need for lots of power, for power or energy. This is a sign of immaturity and should be a waing not to play with matches.Humanity from its power for centuries. There is a time, he was able to express the demand for all that he wanted the immediate needs of the normal progression of the cycle of evolution is to abandon the source of your energy in bursts and then again at the moment. The protection of 'embryo until the death and rebirth of humanity passes quickly and understand the development of power, which has already possesses.Mankind already in himself the ability to control the energy with his thoughts. In the minds of men, power is power, unless it is in a huge display. The real power is, however, know that you will be able to use and control without the need to view it. This is the kind of power, the fear of most people. It is feared that most of the interior forces of mental abilities, because it has the power for his Gods.Power is the control of energy. The energy can not be created nor destroyed, it is controlled and moved. This ability comes from thinking, from a source of intelligence (mind). Within each human being has at his command all the energies of the universe. If you do not have a game to keep warm, all that has to do is think about the heat. One must not kill or gather food to survive, and his hunger can be satisfied with just one thought. This is the true power of humanity is and where it is necessary to generate energy for development. The source of real power is in us all. We as individuals are the switches, energy and transforms it. We have this knowledge for millennia, that a degree of security. As we are unworthy to use, and gave him the promise that they should be used with caution. History has shown that it did not work for us. We now have our supply of free choice and we have the ability, it is easy to make a game that so.People with nonag power in self-destruction. Power coupled with an awareness of oneself as the source can not destroy itself.Begin hours for your thoughts inward, and you know how close the source of power. Use this knowledge, maturity, everything you want and nothing more. Create your life and circumstances of how you want. Knowing that you are in this world, your physical power. Never fear, but use in your own ability to control the purposes.The ONLY good thing that the only thing that will be in your way is your opinion, which is not possible. Now I can hear, do you think? Wow, if only that was true. If you are familiar with the thoughts like these, then you have an awareness, a knowingness, as little power to control you. And 'your opinion that open the doors to this absolute power. If you think you have something soon. If you think or expect a lot and are willing to work less, this is exactly what you get. You are solely responsible to check what you get. They show a lack of power, because it is considered that there are not. You are in control of small power.And every time if you do not, your faith must be strengthened before it can be mind you this thoughts.Playing games can be fun, but the real power of incandescent universes. Roy E. Klienwachter is an ordained minister, light workers, writer and author of Spiritual New Age Wisdom books written in simple language, with the wisdom of eloguence zen.

My Lady s Fashion

My Lady s Fashion "Your beauty ... It must be that of your home, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God "(1 Peter 3:3,4). How do I become great? For love is always beautiful "(Augustine)," A few glances May beauty be seen in their faces, who live in true humility. There is harmony in the sound of the voice of divine love that gives voice, and some semblance of law for their temperament and behavior which the passions are regulated "(John Woolman). The Christian woman is the true make-up, his character, is a food, peace and service. These are the oaments that shine more brightly, as we have more elderly. Christian must become exquisite with age. The Christian spirit is a spirit tempered, not a spirit of anger. E 'tempered by the heavenly Christ as an ally of the refinement, the disposition and habits. It 's just looking eaestly from Christ we can "make up" character. What is told a story of a young girl who is ugly. She has become the target of cruel remarks from her classmates. She has become bitter and vengeful. One day, his French teacher asked: "What is the problem, a little?" "I am so ugly," the girl cried. The teacher has her in his room and gave the girl a little 'sad and brown round thing that looked as ugly as the girl. He told the girl to the care of plants and water. When the Japanese or the lily was bo from this ugly thing. The girl then realized that the beauty and fragrance are in it, the ugly out, could share his inner beauty and balm, and no one will notice, even if that is your predicament. As the adage reminds us, is just the beauty of the skin, the influence of our character is deep. The daughter of the king is inside of all the glorious "(Psalm 45:13 NAS).

Oct 24, 2009

The art of letting go

The art of letting go It 'been six months since I had the corporate world? and there are some things that I always lose. Good day to say how my colleagues for the way in the office where I am every day. Or get caught in the excitement as we prepared for another big meeting or presentation.I hours implement what has been a big change from a headquarters with hundreds of employees of a small office at home by one. Although I never trade in my present life, with its freedom and independence, I lived in another world for 31 years? And I still feel the pain of leaving go.At different points in our lives that we all experience the difficulty of letting go? not only physically, but with our hearts and minds. We need to do this with our relationships, career, or even the place we call home.Even destructive relationships can be difficult to walk by. Author Casey Clair, still single, talks about the emptiness of their five-year affair with a married man? The hours of self-doubt and unhappiness? that his tormented. She writes:? All merged into a wound that I could? T ignore. E 'was the pain that finally forced to leave him.We may also be a reaction to the loss of health or ability due to illness or accident. With the change thrust upon us, it is often more tax if? And our decision. In both cases it is not letting go fast or easy.No conceed or what you need to let go of your life, here are ways to get through the process. It is GrieveIronically 'your stamina that most of the causes of pain. The longer, in emotion, the more difficult it is to agree on this step. Stoicism does not give you strength. It is useful to re-live the good moments of the relationship or situation that you have to leave and see what you have given. Then the tears come. Share your ExperienceYou need to talk about changes in your life. This is the favorable time for friends or relatives. Or even strangers, that to understand what? Re going through.Faye, a violinist and writer for the loss suffered by their parents, followed by his beloved cat, says:? The only thing that is easier to let go and find people who are exactly the same experience. It can also be reassuring to read the others were at the same intersection - where the past is still so close to the touch, and the future is dark and vague to offer much comfort.A few times in his life, however, Faye experts that the losses people around them do not relate. ? In the lower level? You say? Let go, before the night alone. E 'veramente hope. Lea AcceptChildren grow and leave home, develop relationships and people. This is life. As the actor William B. Davis:? It struck me while I sit here, everything is different, but the sea. This is a season for everything, and the date of the change is not usually in our control.Looking back, you probably will not say when a certain relationship or situation began. A.c. Dowle is a mentor for business and careers. In an interview on the process of letting go, you remember? I had no control over when and how this wonderful thing came into my life, I do not have any right now, if any? S ready to go. There is a gap in your life. What do you feel the lack of what in the past. But it is only the assumption that it is possible in the new, whether it? S another person or set of circumstances. NewWhen embrace of a child reaches for something else, you can easily, what they have. The issue is something that we can do, of course, but as we get older, you lea to hang tight. Part of the reason is our desire for a well-known, and our fear of the dark. We do not? T know what is around the coer, or if we have time and again the happiness that we see ourselves losing.It really takes the courage to let go. Have confidence that what is now in your life is what we need them most. Then take a deep breath, then another page.Copyright? 2003 by Thelma Mariano MarianoAbout The AuthorThelma, coach and author, specializes in providing clarity and direction to the people? Life. I see your line coaching programs, articles, and in column

The possibility of Devils

The possibility of Devils And you, in every essay that you keep the damn thing,   To avoid that there will be cursed ... Joshua 6:18. On a misty night dans'46   Satan met his fateful tribes;   Now listen, the demons, "he said with joy,   The whole world is about to transcribe.   They invented a box that they call TV;   Its shape is square, there are images and sounds.   They have virtually to its knees in his own image;   These idiots think that the deep! Can you imagine what it means for us?   Why, we do not need to raise the forks!   They do not know how you are blacks --   These dull think that we are a group of Dorks!   I find it difficult to believe what luck.   We instruct the Council Directives;   We will convince the world that evil is good   And to think that make them respectables.Dear me, Satan purred, I can not wait   To streamline and twists;   National applicant will have time --   We steal the rights to sensationalize!   There is a big fly in my appointment, even if --   Some people have started saying that it is!   How can you accuse me of such an action?   I always treasoned with malignant kiss.Only folles would be so obvious;   Why, I even reverse some of the waste;   Even if we do not need to throw so hard ...   We want to decrease, but not a crash.   Initially, we emphasize the virtues of the family:   Honesty, faith, and everything;   We will give them new hearts and minds and objectives   All pumped and primed with a lot of fluff.And then start to strip the angels;   Emphasize the fact that he's naked artistic fare.   We shall hear these objects in its place.   Damn (or hell!) Why be so square!   The same goes for your worst case, there is little devils --   Ensure that there is a box in every home.   We can not let this glorious opportunity   To write their names in our swelling Volume!

Oct 22, 2009

The lack of more help for your future

The lack of more help for your future "We must fight in a battle against May more than once to win it." ThatcherFailure Margherita. Even the word sounds bad, right? This is because since the days when we were children we were taught that failure is bad. But it is true? It is not evil? Take things. I like a certain analogy with baseball. You know what is the record for a season batting average (this means that the number of times the batter hits the basis for success)? He is a gentleman named Ted Williams and his season was beating average 411 per year. This means that to bat 1,000 times, which would have struck 411 times. This is considered by baseball fans as one of the greatest records ever. There are players in millions of dollars that hit 280! But what we say stat even if you tu around? He tells us that the best season of any pulp already in the big leagues was a failure rate of, 589! Even the best not on a regular basis! What are the richest people on Wall Street? Have failed? Of course they do. Sometimes the wrong choice of stocks, but they cut their losses and lea from Michael Jordan miss failure.Did plans? Over 50% of them! Thus, with regard to all this? What does this mean for us? The fact is, I think we can lea a lot about the failure to actually make us a great success. Here are some ideas to help you not to use your future! Failure is inevitable if you try to greatness. Bankruptcy is something that we must accept as part of the road, we travel to success. This is very important and number one on the list, because so much of what prevents people from pursuing their success in the month of May is that fear of failure and who have not reached their destination. When we embrace the fact that there will be, and this is good, then we have nothing to fear. Instead, keep your eyes open and pick up, set by the bankruptcy, and on.Failure never fail unless you fail to lea something. Of course, we must stop these bumps on the road "failures" and referred to as "leaing experiences! When you fail, the first thing you must think is "What can I do?" If you can get a fair idea of this problem, then the experience should be it.Sometimes failure is a blessing in disguise. Just ask the 3M Company. They were looking for an incredible sticker and actually obtained a paste adhesive, which held, but not permanently. That failure! No, instead, is spread on the back of the small sheets of paper and yellow color called "Post-It Notes. These are some? I'm sure you do. The company 3M thank reward for their "failure." People do not think badly of you if you fail. Perhaps the biggest myth, and that we should not try to our dreams. Not because of what Aunt Martha May we talk about family reunification. The truth is, however, that people are trying to comply. The only thing that I discovered that some people think of you, if you manage it hurt when you fail. Sore losers get bad press, not those who seek great things! Failure is not the end but the beginning. One of our biggest fears is that our world will collapse if we fail. Or at least the project. The truth is that this rarely happens! Most of the time, we can choose to come back again, make some adjustments and be on our way! This is a new beginning. Now there is no need to go down the road that you've done, there is an option you're under to find your new jouey.Sometimes missed success because we have left in the middle of a problem and becomes a failure, instead of an obstacle , we could have persevered through. When difficulties in contacting people tend to close down. And then see themselves as failed. My question is: What happens if I have kept current - persevered? Perhaps we were a little 'problems, then free again. The failure occurred only because they quit! So do not give up - keep the pressure - and perhaps you will see victory! The most important thing to overcome is the fear of failure. Most of the battle is between our ears. It has been said that "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" and that is true, because in most of our failures ", the end result is usually much less than it would have to fear. However, with the fear and do not suffer the ultimate consequence - no success! Then you start saying the good stuff! Change the direction of your way of thinking and begin to see the possibilities of success, not failure.Remember, well studied, bankruptcy can help you pursue your future! Bonus: Questions to ask when "not" What can we lea from this? What am I doing this right? If you go wrong? How do I start over? What resources do I need to make sure that does not happen again? Then use the answers to the plot of his new course.About The Author: Chris Widener is a teacher and writer, and President of Made for Success, a company helping individuals and organizations tu their potential performance, success in all areas of their lives and achieve their dreams.To see Chris "live" at the end of next week, Jim Rohn talks about that event The subject of secret influence to go   Or call 800-929-0434.

Unleash the power of the Spirit

Unleash the power of the Spirit Your mind has incredible power. You have an incredible power of your mind. You have the skills not yet achieved. You are bo with these skills and abilities, but unfortunately you have not leaed to master it. Instead, you've probably through life as a Unguided missile towards different targets and test error and hope for the best - but never really make your dreams come true. You need to free up your powers. It is necessary to develop, by clicking on his intuition in the power of the subconscious mind.Every time I have a bad feeling, use different techniques that I leaed how to dismiss him. Fare affermazioni positivo più volte al gioo, che veramente mi fa sentire bene. I have in various areas such as relationships, career and self-confidence, but my health is probably the most I have most of. Research has shown that 75% of all disease and illness begins in the mind. They have also shown that stress, which starts in the head, is the number one cause of all disease and fatigue. I was conceed about dizziness for about a year, and has been for many doctors who are unable to diagnose the problem. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with arthritis and the doctors told me to undergo surgery. They asked me again in three months. I confirmed that my head was quiet, that I have peace of mind and good health. To my and my doctors' surprise, eliminated the disease and there will be no need for surgery. The only thing I did was to say these statements. These results may not be for everyone, but it's worth my attention try.Another area has been my online business start-ups. I confirmed that I went to make enough money to quit my job that I was sick and consultant to many levels and able to begin my good living from this activity. Some months ago I started with an income of 50 U. S. Dollar. Are now more money for the month that I have ever done, and my monthly income grows. My dream for many years has finally come true. If I can do it, why do not you? Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and inteet publisher. He runs the website 1st Self_Improvement.net. Terje is a Sociologist who enjoys contributing to personal growth and happiness of others. He tried to write this improvement issues from his own experience and knowledge. For example, affirmations and self-esteem and positive relationship building.

Oct 21, 2009

Why care

Why care When I think of care, be stable, firm and patient   Come to mind. I suppose that is why it is so difficult   food, or stop smoking or start exercising. We know that if we want   veer off the path, we can not and will our attempts   futile.As a master of the word, sometimes I repeat my messages   I think that is something that the Holy Spirit wants to   I say this because some are not diligently preparing   themselves for their march victorious Christian. Not that I am   completely successful, but I was trying to keep more   and understand what works for me. It   is constantly reminded of what God says and   Me So, therefore, the body of Christ to grow   one as we all must make a conscious effort to broaden our   heels in the direction of God and live by them, or you   lack of faith, strength, confidence and the grace of God   lives.God knew in our spiritual battles are all so he gave us   complete armor set these battles. If you do not use   We will certainly fall in the struggle. You can lea more about   In Ephes. 6. I from time to time during these weapons, because   we all should remember them.But with knowledge of the armor, it is necessary not only   spiritualy be ready for the battle at hand, but we must also   prepare in advance with due diligence to know that   The battles to come. None escape the clutches of the enemy.   It is a fact of life for all Christians and non-Christians   Great. But those close walk with the Lord, are   those who seek to destroy the letter first.In to wa people about false prophets and   Teachers in Second Peter, he knew Peter was going to be   Killed for their faith in Christ. He wanted to wa other   Christians about their right to remain steadfast in their belief   as well.He begins by saying that all had the   Grace of God, his grace and his peace, which is to our advantage   It is necessary and good for all spiritual prosperity.   His Excellency liberates us from fear and moral conflict. He said   that the grace of God be multiplied in us with its correct   And expertise. (2 Pet 2:2) God himself gives all its attributes, which are upon us   pefect and adapted to live a life of piety, because   gives us the knowledge of self and has called us to his   Its glory, strength and excellence. (2 Pet 2:3) In the next verse, Peter says that God makes us his   very promising in order to escape the moral and   The corruption in this world. People tend to lose because of   The greed and sexual immorality. So, God has given us his   His knowledge of the knowledge of God to save us from   Eteal damnation. (2 Pet 2:4) Therefore, we must be diligent in the search for divinity   In our lives. We need effort in developing our   Virtue. This is our resolution, our excellence and take all   Cristiano our energies to achieve. So, in other words, it must   much time and effort on our part to grow in knowledge of   The Word of God. " (2 Pet 2:5) Once you are familiar with the ways of God, we must   take the steps necessary to succeed in the growth of our knowledge, is   Does not stop here. Therefore, we must develop our control.   We can not do the stupid things we did once, and not   Be condemned. We must be prudent and wise. When we   using, developing patience and endurance. Being   patient waiting for things to make us more powerful than God is   One who supplies all our needs when we really need   Them. Then we carry these things to develop   Pity. This shows that the world we are over, we have   Are no longer like them. (2 Peter 2:6) Peter continues by saying that this evil, we can not   help develop the condition, but for others. What are the causes   Us to exercise our Christian love. This is what we really   Outside world. Those who live by themselves can not   fathom what it would be to put someone else before   Same. Face, which does not occur unless   someone had the knowledge of God first. (2 Pt   2:7) This is wonderful news that when the operation and use of these   virtue, which will start to grow within us every day. We   stronger, because we built the muscles, not   Physical, but spiritual. Being strong in these things,   this is not idle in the hands of the enemy. We are unable to   help to produce well, but the fruits that have been   They know that the Word of God. " All these things that I just   we have confidence, patience and the kind the   will love our neighbor as ourselves and this is what God   Regarded as a true Christian. (2 Peter 2:8) For those who do not have these qualities is blind, as far   This is their spiritual vision. This person has done what   is right in front of him, the world and will soon be   forget what Christ has done for him on the cross. This spiritual   blindness will result in a serious setback in the world. (2 Pt   2:9) Peter tells us that for this reason, we must be very   more willing to strengthen themselves, to be diligent in our   Appeal and our election. Remember, God has chosen for his   Own. Be determined to know and do these   things, not stumble and fall. God has promised to be   Beside us in all our battles. (2 Pt 2:10) and the glory of God, because when we run our race to   diligent, you will enter into his eteal kingdom   because there have been strong and diligent and never looked back   or listened to the lies that the enemy has tried to say us.It 's hard work, but as they say, it is worth nothing   Is. It will bring much personal satisfaction, is   bring the glory of God and that will affect others on the road and   It can be a source of inspiration. We all need examples.In truly love for others, we must have a heart   obedience to God.Vivian Gordon is directed by the power of the Holy Spirit, to write   and teaching about God knows what will   Other Christians in their jouey. He knows that all of us   through the battles, but he also gives us the wisdom and   Armor for the fight.

Planning for the unexpected

Planning for the unexpected Unfortunately, most people do not plan until it is too late. History tells us that for centuries humans have witnessed tragedies, and many times have you been a victim of them. A summary of the study suggests an inescapable: every time there is a tragedy tragedy.Consider another: all wars past and present, held in the name a few? Sacred? o? nationally? cause, has caused death, destruction and ruin of the country, its army and its citizens? a tragic loss of lives, but also a tragedy for the person (s) to the left to face the loss of a loved one, and they need guidance on what to do beyond a will, personal effects and business matters.Witness: the tragic death of people from diseases and epidemics and the tragic consequences of such disasters have had on survival (s)? the person (s) which must bear the weight of his personal tragedy and loss, the attempt to go beyond a desire to put things in order and continue life.Recall, if you want to, natural disasters - floods , fires, toadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, almost always caused the tragic loss of human lives? and for every life lost is a person or persons, who are experiencing their own personal tragedy in a difficult moment, when you should seek guidance, as well as a will, and what should or should done.We only to look at the recent terrible disaster that occurred in the Pacific, where the tsunami devastated entire towns and villages, claimed over 220,000 lives, destroyed thousands of homes and left homeless. Closer home, the lives of thousands of tourists from home and family to enjoy a happy holiday and warm, it was suddenly switched off. They are expected to retu to their communities to resume their daily lives. For every life destroyed by this tragedy there is a person or persons in the house, which must cope with the tragedy the burden of being the executor of his estate to seek help after reading the hundreds of people who Will.And whose lives have been reduced in day to day due to sudden heart attacks, stroke, traffic accidents or other unforeseen events? a tragedy for every family, but an even greater tragedy for the person who is likely to be fully able to make the necessary decisions beyond those that may have been provided in a Will.Throughout This paper has pointed out ' individual left to deal with the tragedy, regardless of size, and that whatever the situation (s) above, there is no single individual could have anticipated the time of his death. But then one can not but wonder how many of these people took time not only the implementation of a will, but put pen to paper to guide the person and how they survive, or should, manage their affairs. cruel and brutal as it may seem, most probably less than 20% of people who have been victims of extreme situations of their partners to be sufficient to speak with them at some point about their wishes, much less actually do something. Nobody likes to think of death, let alone her - but it is something that we all should be aware and, as best we can to prepare. This means that in addition to a will, must, or at least leave written a detailed guide for the person who lives there. It does not actually create a tragedy.Julian Huff, but not a lawyer, served for many years as director of an important partnership of law until his retirement. He continued his interest in legal affairs and, on the basis of his experiences in the partnership and, personally, was very conceed about the lack of attention to people leaving their significant other as much information as possible about their personal wishes, financial issues, the main medical and legal contacts, as well as the location of important documents. To this end, has developed a concise, but it is no longer legal, "do you document for use by one person. It was created to be used as a supplement made a will and to serve as a guide for those who need to ensure that? Clearance? things. For more information Copyright 2005 - 780588 Ontario Inc. All rights reserved.The preceding article may be used in web and print, to the extent that it is not altered in any way and the table of the source article was published unchanged. Please notify the author With a copy.

Oct 20, 2009

You are sent by God

You are sent by God ? 2006, All Rights Reserved Did you know that God has given his word to put their children? Did you know that there are specific things you can do to contribute to the answer of prayer, good health, and more peaceful life? E 'vero! Once we are saved, not only through our days floating in the capture of God, hoping in a good mood when it is ready to respond to prayer or to supply our needs. His word gives us a lot that you can always put your hand in motion. Open the Bible Covenant promises to some of the ways in which the promises of God declares that he is prepared to give to his children. For example, in Deuteronomy 28 is filled with blessings. What is known about how this chapter begins? "Now, it must happen, if you diligently follow the voice of the Lord your God?" Then at the end of the blessing of this chapter (verse 13) that we still see? "And the Lord make you the head and not the tail, just above and not below, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God?" If we want to do what God tells us to do then we will give everything He has promised to give. This if / then the type of promise is a promise. It operates the same as when the lawyer establishes a contract between two people. One party agrees to do a certain thing, and - once he does - a second party who undertakes to do something different. God allows us to have control over certain circumstances, by marriage, by providing these promises and blessings. Before you God wants us, in general, to take the steps he outlined in his word that we are rewarded. It gives us what we do we reward once we have done. Luke, chapter six has some good examples of how the power that God has for us. In verse 37, Jesus teaches, "the court does not and will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. "Verse 38 continues the same way, saying:" Give and it shall be given a good measure, pressed, shaken together, running over, men give to your chest. In the same measure you use, which must be measured to you. "Once again, we first. If we give, we receive. Whatever measure we use to give to God is the same measure, which will be used to give us. Our control. We do the first step. I Peter 3:7 shows yet another good example. "Husbands, likewise, dwell with [your wives] to understand, in honor of women, the weakness of the vessel, and as heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers can not be prevented." When the husband to treat their wives, as God said to them, giving more power to their prayers. Mary's prayers are not hindered because of his actions. In the case of his wife in a bad way, his prayers will be hindered. In this example, the husband has the power. As you read your Bible this week, take note of the time God gives us. May you want to make a list or mark the verses in your Bible that you have found what we can do to remember when and what to do for the freedom of God in your life better. Sometimes, our actions are against everything that the answer prayers. It is God expect from you?

The good the bad and the ugly

The good the bad and the ugly Who invented this phrase is a genius. Life is how to determine exactly what the right dish The bad and the ugly. At times, all in one day.Optimists tend to see the good, the beautiful and Positive. Let the negativity slide off, as A drop of water on a waxed surface. Let it go. Life is too short to spend in misery. Believe in the power of positive thinking.This is good.Pessimists find fault with everything, even to themselves. Nothing is right, no matter how you try, not everything in this life. They do not see the beauty in this world, and even less in their relationships.They are unhappy, no matter how you try, Nothing works for them. They wallow in the world of negativity, which sink to the depths of their misery. They feel abandoned and forgotten. Nobody cares about them.This is not bad and ugly.Who had moments of good, bad And the ugly? Nobody is perfect. The beauty of life lies in its unpredictability, its ephemeral, life still offers opportunities. E 'la nostra per la presa. But inaction is not fruits.Change is part of life that embraces all aspects the physical life, physical, mental, emotional, Intellectual and spiritual. E? S how to respond and respond to changes that define what life.Change have leaed can be ugly and bad, but the lessons leaed, can make life and beautiful.Loss Pain are trampolines to go a step higher, reaching deep inside. Enter opportunity to re-evaluate, reassess and respond Changes following the loss and pain. There is something good that can come out What? ugly.Imperfections poor and tend to be universal, not defined Race, religion or social status. How to go through this life, you start to accumulate baggage.We meet the emotional demons that we find both ugly.Somewhere deep in the psyche is the center child who asks to be recognized, so that Can move forward. You can start a nasty shade. Face, to recognize, treat. Bring the good will that have some advantages, it allows to move freely and to eliminate hang ups.Sometimes, life leads us to a masquerade. We Masks, suitable for all occasions. Remove layers of hypocrisy, get rid of many masks covering or hiding the true you.These are bad and ugly.Listen to you, be more conscious of your Thoughts, give you a few minutes each days to realign your thoughts with Bright side of life. Feel inner peace. Enjoy a delicious it.Let shine in you and make a difference in this world.EN Moss DBonnie to write again to the subject of age tarot, crystals, will, charm and magic, angels and more. He has also written source of inspiration and motivation of subjects. His articles are published in several ezines. Visit his website:

Your magnificence Health

Your magnificence Health My friend Caroline and I were shopping one day when we noticed that some points on a half price table. Immediately our eyes in a beautiful Angel Serafin, which may be marked. I picked up and noticed a label? Broken? half price. While carefully, you could? t is the error. We have on the counter and asked the seller to show the break. Even they could not find anything. Perhaps it was on the table can be. I said.The Chancellor retued to the room to ask his manager. When he finally retued, he said? My manager has told us that? S on the table at half price, so it's for sale. What about the rest? We asked them. My head says, if? s marked? broken. So what? s broken. Want it? Yes, yes, we ll take you. Have a classified? Defect? sometimes to grow? They were humiliated and dumped on a subscription at half price for everyone to see? Nothing too complicated? Not good enough? Too many problems? These are some of the adults Calculate your value and give a price? These are some rub of course we want esteem.Sometimes broken angels, but we? Re really not bad. There is nothing to do with us, but the labels of the past are a heavy burden. We? I believe that we are all right. These crushing our spirits. They were the voice of authority, such as children, we felt that could? T challenge. But you may now.Appreciate are unique. Even your mistakes and shortcomings are unique. Connect to your spiritual Genesis, to the fact that you have wings. Magnificent is your core is not from any harm. This is what the self-esteeming all about.The the Tibetan people have a traditional greeting. If you are from others, is hands palm to palm, fingers upward, in front of the chest, bow and say the words? Tashi deley. The words mean? I welcome you in glory. Imagine what a child would be sweet if all the world welcomed the other in a way that is holy. Tashi deley expression of a profound admiration for the other. This is what our world needs today. It helps us understand who we are, if people around us, at least occasionally, our Magnificence.When we have seen that we are not, we will disconnect. We grieve. Remember that when you're on, whether consciously or unconsciously, you are denying your glory. And if you deny your own magnificence, you allow others permission to same.If we know about our wounds, lea to feel our pain and heal, there will be new. And when we are together, we feel it deserves. If once we can afford, for our unconditional love. If again, we do not? T is the fault of angels, you see only the beauty, Magnificence.Grace Cirocco is a Canadian motivational speaker programs and the author of inteational best-seller, the pitch, the bridge will be. Specializes in women? Manages the S and retreats for women in North America and Italy. Visit them

Oct 19, 2009

Boundless Magick Magick

Boundless Magick Magick Remember to read something like this for a long period?     Eye of newt,   Frog legs   Blood Bat   Hint of pastel.   Three times on the left,   Three times the point   You have this desire,   And never say want.This Witchy song is typical of many types of code written in ancient times. These verses in attractive mystical boiled frog, require you to hunt. Worldwide, the intensity of thought is doubly effective transformed into words. Thought (lightening bolt) is printed. Mind of energy in this area has changed. You made a move to claim that you created in your imagination. It is transfigured. This is the power of a madman spell.A can impose sanctions and launch to the moon, but a fool can not take the significance of what has been done. A study was conducted, and to seek its end. Nothing is nipped in the eteal space. For mode man, apparently put spells will not work. Sophistication will stop the ancient art, regardless of the magnitude of the mind, but the forces of eteity are not asked and instructed us. The course is set. Do not overlook the small, invisible, matters of life. You will find the detail that is the basic ingredient of every powerful infusion. We need acute concentration, and devotion to lift me higher. The rolls are closed to those who are skimming amusement.Develop your five physical senses, a feeling of what should be used. Stimulate a slowing down any action, watching as life goes on. Growing a garden of herbs and enter the soil every day. Note that the unbo are the top seeds, stirring to sunlight to produce life in May for you. Chop up wet, fresh parsley. Sensation is sliding on the face and throat. After some time we talk to you. Do the same with the washing. Soon you begin to feel, inside and outside of his own being. Use clean water for bathing and frequency. It is necessary spark in your soul. Caress every part of a rose. Dancing on the lawn during the moing star password. Enjoy the fascinating midnight air. Live starlight, energy capsules. Can remain silent? So our first walk senses.Acquire your book in the writing of notes, and everything that could disappear before recording. Moments when we must act quickly to write. Your book is yours. Keep it safe. Manifest your spellbook, maybe on paper by hand, including the vibration, which is to your advantage. Paste pages of things that you look here and there that seem to draw your attention? blades of grass, a poet? s flowers, seeds, photographs. Whatever you feel part of you. If you want a new and again.Keep ink pen to the joual. A rod of wood on the pen that you can bu and beautify indicate that in mind every time you use, you are in the circle of magic ritual. This is the purpose of the tools and sacred vestments. Are separated by heavy, earthy aspect that our body needs to exist. What we do enter into a spiritual dimension. This is our soul that wants to be for food. It 'more natural for our minds to be. If you wish for the good of wisdom. Who are you? What say? What would happen if he feels that his true identity? These applications are powerful, but you all know. Enter the Higher Self, who lives at the center of the interior rooms. Remember that physics may be of interest, the price of bread, and your higher self wants knowledge.Full graphical hereEsmerelda Jones ... Knitting Wenche   Writer wishes   CuriositiesVictoriana writer of the old, Victorian Swoon, Gods & goddesses: The wisdom and the pleasure of Ancient Greece, Classical Romance, Poems For fans, Whimsical Tales, a pioneer and Australian Pioneer, Ghosts I Have Known, gypsy knitwear. Ratings and comments delightfully accepted.

Oct 18, 2009

Teachers' perspectives and attitudes can fly

Teachers' perspectives and attitudes can fly Last fall I went to visit my mother in Arizona. It was October, but time remains for those of us who, like early moing coffee on the patio outside. Mom has two hummingbird feeders in the yard, and to my pleasure, last year, the fasting? Mini? S? found its way to your home.I confess, I have Saturday on the patio for hours every day watching the pigeons, especially the hummingbirds. They were my teachers.As fast as a Ferrari may be, we humans have not yet acquired the high mobility and speed of hummingbirds. Did you know that flap its wings an average of 53 flaps per second? Your heart may beat only up to 1260 beats per minute. Scientists believe they live 4-5 years, but some were found alive after 12 years.They seems little nervous creatures. They moved quickly and consistently, while eating, are often flutter! . I found myself feeling angry with my friends fast and furious. Why? Do not slow down? Because it seems so suspicious of anything and the whole world? Why not? Not relax long enough to eat? As the days passed and I was allowed me to relax, I realized that was my behavior that irritates me more. Why do I need to be a blast all the time? What made me think a moment to sit and share a meal with others, or may break the bank? Why my life should move at a speed that people can hear? Hum? my engine when it came into the room? Several months have passed, and I am still thinking about my pen teachers. In its habitat in what they do and how we live, it makes sense. But for me, I must stop. Life is too fleeting, to magic, illusion of a race every day through my neighbor activity.Be knowledge of your teachers? who are appointed as a personal tutor. Appear unusual in the clothing and often bored. You can find the crowds to you, my heart broken by them, driven, or punished for them. You can accuse, abuse you, or desert. Sometimes they are their best friends, lovers, or? More-yard fence? neighbors. You can be inspired or infuriated at his presence. Rarely announces that his master, nor are they often? Paid? deserve.Sometimes thing if you're lucky, you visit the park, the pond, the nest, the zoo, forest, sky, or do not know when water.You expect, but are easy to identify. Similarly when you react to a situation or a person, whether good or agitation, is not his idea: back in the classroom. If you are lucky like me, teachers may or hibeate your trip south for the winter. Think you might have a Saturday test you can take and what to do with him now? My best advice, make peace with your teachers. Raise your hand before you speak, do the work, to accept the correction. And do not forget the power of the apple! Copyright 2006 Harmony Thiessen ThiessenHarmony is an inspiring speaker and teacher. She has entertained and informed throughout the world for over 20 years. With a keen sense of observation and curiosity, the harmony becomes timeless events every day applications. You may receive your free monthly subscription to jelly beans to life   Harmony is available for speeches and columns, weekly or monthly.

Oct 17, 2009

Make your day and someone else s somewhat 'more special

Make your day and someone else s somewhat 'more special Our vocabulary begins to grow at birth. Months before we can speak our first word, as many understand. However, there are words in all human language more important than the three that I want to discuss today.These three words were not chosen at random. These three words are grouped to form a phrase very familiar. "I love you." Notice of this sentence is the verb love. Remember how in school the teacher pointed out that most of the verbs are "action" words? So it means making love showing, expressing, understanding, thinking, knowing. You can think of any stronger statement, sincere, or even more for that "I love you"? We are all guilty of not saying enough. We have decided somewhere along the way that those we love just because you should know. Focus more on putting in place those words not only what you do, but what you say. Tell your children, your parents, your friends, your co-workers. Let the day start and end, without you verbally express your love to someone on your mind today life.Tell what you love. You probably already know, but I am sure that "love" to hear it.MAKE COUNT YOUR DAY! Roschelle Nelson is the founder and editor WAH4life.com. He lives and works at home with her husband and two children.

Oct 16, 2009

Friend or Foe Meatballs

Friend or Foe Meatballs We all have these moments, right? We are in the midst of a project, and it is simply not well.Like me, you will be in May, becomes irritated, wishing you could find an easier way to do the work (or even eliminate it completely.) I 'd settle a tool that would work fast to it. Life is too precious to spend the time to be irritated.I found myself in this position a couple of weeks ago, while meatballs.Not-So-Nice ThingsNow, I grew up in a small farm in the country. And in a farm, you lea to manage many things. Creatures. Animals. Newbos. And from time to time, some not-so-nice things.But, even with gloves, I absolutely can not stand on my hands mussing raw hamburger. It reminds me of the feeling of a slimy worm on the hook is going to bait.It leaves me with an uncomfortable, fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach. Not at all like me, as a woman, you want feel.The JoueyNow, keep in mind, this jouey in the Land of the Meatball is just the beginning. We have always had to scoop the burger bowl. Scrape off the spoon. And only then can we finally roll the critters into meatballs. Scoop. Scratch Ticket. Roll. Pending over.It is like for the worm to do its job of seduction in a tasty fish. It is a time thing. But like the fresh catch is always a good treatment, I know these meatballs will be worth a wait when the task was completed. They serve a purpose.Let me to share with you.The StrategyBecause is so flexible, I mix different batches of meat mixture, every two months. I then convert them into meatballs, cooking all the batches that day. Some go for spaghetti. A. I freeze for sandwiches or Swedish Meatballs Meatballs in cream. If I feel lazy (smile) I just want to make more meatloafs.So because these meatballs so important in the scheme of things? Why us from eating out. They can be frozen after cooking, which saves me huge amounts of time. We make six to eight hours of meals them.We could easily spend a minimum of $ 18 per meal in the restaurant. So, in terms of money, it saves us an average of $ 126 each time I make these meatballs in a game. You see, it's part of how to save money. It 's just important that me.but is certainly an easier way to do the job! What is it that would be "Really" Help? I wore my brain ... Now I knew what I wanted. A spoon big enough to make it worth digging into the bowl. Light enough to avoid the aggravation of a mild carpal tunnel problem. Something that would automatically slide mix. And finally, something natural to relieve the boredom of driving round in balls.I is a mission! After several days of research rather than luck, I considered inventing such an instrument. I changed my mind after calculating the number of meatballs that I needed to do to win my money on patent.And then. . . happened. The light bulb clicked. The land transferred (or has been for me, jumping for joy?) Digress.The solutionto But I found the perfect tool! And who brings sweet memories: a scoop of ice cream. You know the type. As you press the lever, a small piece of steel rotating inside, drawing food along the route. Could get simpler than that? Sure, I paid a price entirely in stainless steel for the ball of ice cream. But what a relief! And you know what? I realized that I had been tolerating this problem for too long! Can you relate what I'm talking about here? Have you found your task difficult because of the lack of tools? Take the time to look at you are more irritated, making a task or Chore, stop for a moment. Consider that this is a part of you mind. Or what is more difficult than it needs an instrument be.Begin list. How do you think of items that will make your life easier, the note down.Brainstorm ideas. Do you have friends or family members experienced the same frustrations? Ask them to share their solutions ideas.Motivation or through small RewardsAnd when you have finished a few tasks that are not entirely your choice, enjoy one of the smallest elements of his new instrument, it can be difficult list.Life. Some things simply have no control. But why not find an easier way of doing things that you can control, you can save time and energy. Have the tools to save even money.So forward. Start your tool list today. It 'good for the soul! About the AuthorAuthor and ezine editor Darlene Arechederra inspires busy women to put their party in saving money. His newsletter is a lot of motivation with a unique, home-style of writing. Sign up today for your

Oct 15, 2009

Dentro il silenzio

Dentro il silenzio Silence means no voice input of any kind What if the silence? We are unable to hear anything from outside, but the voices are inside, what you hear quite clearly. We are able to listen to us. We can be strong in order to hear what we think and how we think, if we do.We not give much time to explore who we are, because we are, and how different our lives are connected, how we should interact, etc, etc. .. etc.You silence can be a great time with itself, when a conversation with you and listen. We listen to us, depends.There are a lot of momentum in his life and many try to go with various dynamics.It is a common understanding that we lea to grow and become more mature, I have a small disagreement with the things you lea, but I think we lose a game on the field. I think that innocence is lost, you lose the confidence that we will do new belief about the experiences we have, we are very bitter that we live in a troubled world, Why? Why not? T, we understand each other if we do, because people change, just thought.We live in an interconnected world, his two dependent or independent, we are all together, then we move. Take a look around, and we can understand better. As you know, different abilities, and that for every job other.I think we should get to know themselves better, the silence within us to know who we are and how to interact and communicate, it is very important to understand that cause the most dynamic on the basis of the present. One can not expect from a person saying that the kind words, if he / she is beaten. He has the right to respond. You saw what happened? It creates a hostile environment. We do not need this? Question for all organizations answer.In there is a new era for managers, identifies himself as emotional intelligence, they say that the first principle, one should know who he is. I admire these words, and are true. You open one? S look at many things, not just what to do, but we feel are.Do & Know Yourself Inside in silence.

Top 15 Inspirational Quotations

Top 15 Inspirational Quotations Get inspired and lift your spirit with these offers positive that certainly stimulate and inspire your soul to them, maybe your opinion ... "No bird rises too high, when his own wings." - William Blake "Shoot for the moon. Even if you lose, you land among the stars. "- Les Brown" Genius is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration. "- Thomas Edison" All that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual to work in freedom. "- Albert Einstein:" What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what it is. "- Ralph Waldo Emerson" does not go where the path may lead, instead to go where there is no path and leave way to go. "- Ralph Waldo Emerson," act as if what you do make a difference. You do. "- William James" The biggest mistake you can in life is fear, constantly, that is. "- Ellen Hubbard" You can make a day of any size, and increased regulation and the cessation of its Sunday and the brightness of the bright. "- John Muir 'It is impossible to win great prizes of life without risks. "- Theodore Roosevelt" Never give up, because this is just the place and time that the tide is. "- Harriet Beecher Stowe" Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, you live you can imagine. " - Henry David Thoreau "If your ship is not to swim!" - Jonathan Winters "What does not kill me makes me stronger. "- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe" We have all possibilities. The difference is how they use it. "- Stevie Wonder Resource Box -? Danielle Hollister (2004) is the publisher of Bella Online Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for fans to offer, with over 10,000 deals in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration , success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read online at --

Oct 14, 2009


Steady-Ed. Ed Hixon, or "Steady Ed", as he was affectionately called by his students, he was my teacher education guide. Mr. Hixon is just one of many teachers, their impressions on me. Over the years there is a common pleasure in my family, when I see a driver that is not according to certain rules of education or less, a reasonable left, I would joke, "he (she) And of course, is not as stable as a guide teacher. "My son, if he is leaing to drive, Ed heard some words of wisdom on the actual driving techniques.Mr. Hixon, as many teachers, a mystic, who is around him over the decades. One of the legends that his was limp was caused by a case of polio years before. Rumors circulated that he also some 'players' baseball league in his youth. How to play the ball limp along and have never been resolved for any of us were able to verify either story. But one thing is true, who stutters when nervous. My opportunity to witness this phenomenon was a sunny day, when the three of us, together with Mr. Hixon, were on the road for our daily 60-minute lesson. (In my youth, driving a course of high school elective course during the school day.) Sharon (not her real name) was driving his 20-minute session. If Sharon has pushed, we were nervous. In fact, my friend and I, on the back seat, always fidgeted nervously, because we are assured that live there on foot. Driving and Sharon mixed like oil and water. We were on a road close to 15 mph and calmly tu Ed Sharon said: "Put your foot on the brake and slow down." Then he started to stutter, "Sl .. sl sl ... .. "As we headed for the ditch at about 30 mph Thank God for Mr. Hixon grabs quick feedback from the steering wheel and the brake extra. We went to another day to live, even if Ed could talk for a few minutes. I'm not sure, Sharon is always on the move test.Besides guide, Mr. Hixon me another important lesson. He was a strict disciplinarian in the classroom lessons. One day, my friend kept poking me. Finally, I hit his hand away. Of course, I was discovered, covered, and orally in severe conditions of class. My face is beet red, because I was not a manufacturer problem and was also a little 'embarrassing. Of course I was bummed, but said nothing, as I waited for the end class.The the next few days before the official class started, Mr. Hixon looked and told me before the whole class that was conscious of the fact that I am a victim of circumstances and apologized publicly. I was floored. But many decades later, I remember his very public admission of error and apology before my peers.Thus, Steady Ed has taught me not only the rules of the road, but an important lesson in life. A real man (woman) should not be afraid to admit mistakes. This authorization only increases my respect for him.Bob Casey is a poet, writer, educator, speaker and moderator. He cycles, walked, sailed and traveled to many distant countries. He spent a year teaching on a Fulbright in New Zealand. His many interests, including yoga, tai chi, skiing, cycling, photography, collection and wine. ? Bob poet? as his car license plate says, is currently chairman of the Ohio Poetry Association. This position allows him, with some of the best American poets. His first book, The Wanderer: A poetic jouey in 2002, based on its jouey around the world and lessons leaed. His latest book, the wisdom of the trip, which offers a different selection of poems, commentaries, cartoons and recommendations are met by? The best? your e-zine monthly poetry magazine, which has more than 13,000 subscribers worldwide. As a player? In a world of discontent, malice, greed and war, the poetry magazine is an oasis of nourishing the soul. His next book will be the end of 2006. For most of his work, go to

Oct 13, 2009


Oldies Direct Answers - Column for the week of January 5 for 2004I am a captain in the Marine Corps. A year ago my wife around on me with another Marine. He lived in an apartment facing ours, which runs every day on my way to work. It 'been my girlfriend at the time, and she told me, because he felt guilty about it. He said that happened only once.She never said that he spoke with the boy new to say except to leave alone. I married her, even after I discovered that I love her and because I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. I have a lot of anger inside of him, especially since I worked at the base with him. Has left some 'time ago for another purpose, and the apartment is empty now.My question is how do you stop thinking about her? The image in my mind like a broken record. I do not want to go harass my wife. I want on it and move forward. But I kind of sickness, when I think that in their hands. I wonder if it will be again, and I wonder if I'm not good enough, especially in bed.To be honest, I do not know why another trap that was unhappy about the money and move to a new base. He said that he wanted to see the minutes and you want the best man he had ever seen. I am very insecure about it is unreal. I have never and will never be cheat.MontyMonty, forty years ago, sang Roy Orbison, "It breaks my heart in two, namely that it was false. Puddle Of Mudd hours sings "? You must find a way to take the knife from my back. "Forty years from now someone else is singing the same old story, and that sounds like the same broken record.Even when no longer see the man in the empty apartment, watching his wife will be a memory of what happened. Which, when and where it does not matter. What matters is that any reason that justifies the deception you. What matters is that the prize that has caused him grief with a marriage. Now that pain has a full-time and part of his life.She gave a ticket to lose, and that gave him the prize. Your anger is just the other side of fear that it will be again. You tried to avoid the pain of losing her, but once it's been unfaithful, she is gone. You need to work through the pain and move forward with someone who would be faithful. The title of Roy Orbison in 1964 the song "It's Over" is answer.TamaraRewiringOur divorce will be final in five weeks. My wife has accused me of everything that went wrong in our relationship, and admitting that some things were my fault. However, when they were together he never once said that what he means or if I'm coming from.Foolishly still feel obligated to it. It's called and asked me please. It begins to speak very well, then tell me that I am horrible person. We leave these conversations feeling exhausted emotionally and spiritually. I'm not saying hurtful things to her, however, this must stop. I suppose that part of me still hopes reconciliation.OzzieOzzie, their wires are crossed. Abuse and love are opposites. Once your uncross wires that will change your perspective. That shed light on new reports, as well as his old. For the next five weeks, your old self be true. Once the divorce is final, change your phone number. His wife has given a great gift, the opportunity to discover what really is.WayneAbout love AuthorAuthors and columnist Wayne and Tamara Mitchell can be reached by letters to: Direct Answers, PO Box 964, Springfield, MO 65801 or via e-mail: @ DirectAnswers WayneAndTamara.com.

You are responsible

You are responsible I have so many people complain repeatedly about their lives, as it tued out. They seem to have millions of reasons why it can not go on with their lives. There is always someone who is responsible for its failure. E 'with family or friends, colleagues, teachers in their school or their bosses.They talk about how their family, place of birth or the environment, which has unfairly penalized. The govement is also not left out of the list. This is an economic policy is too tough for them, or that the govement didn? T enough jobs for them to do. But what is regrettable that no one has ever mentioned as part of the list of those responsible for the current state.I have to say that, when and what they are today, as a result of the actions and inaction. You are fully responsible for the events that have shaped their lives so far. If you have money in your pocket or not, you are responsible. The work is being done now, if you like it or not, you are responsible. The more you take the responsibility to other people about the state of your life that you continue in this state.You only determine how you will transform your life, and you can only change your life. No one else is here for you. Why no one should lose sleep your present condition? Do you think the govement or your boss you care? Nobody can do more to care for your life. Take your life and the changes that occur you.You a good feeling about themselves, to the extent that we believe is the control over their lives. They also feel bad about themselves, to the extent that you believe you are out of control of your life. You are always able to select your choice. I want to tell you that you have the power to change your life from what is now to what you want it, just take control of your life. When you assign control over your life to someone else you, will also be lucky enough to rent. The more people who take control of your life, more of your power away.To to take control of your life, you have control over your thoughts. Their ability to think thoughts that you want, regardless of the events around you and your goals and determine the desired results, is the starting point for all the happiness and fulfillment. They must be able to examine your life and identify areas that you've removed the ceded control of your life for the people and circumstances around you. Solving, a decision that some things or start doing some things that help you regain control, she has sold away.Happy and successful people have leaed to their lives and personal responsibility for what happens in their lives. You can also use the same. Please take your Life.To SuccessAdebola Oni is the author of "The lessons of life." So many lives have been touched by his newsletter, Life Lessons Digest. You can send a copy to you each week by visiting his website: The Lessons of Life

Oct 12, 2009

The genius of America is once again all the genes

The genius of America is once again all the genes The other day I spoke of an immigrant from Russia about the differences between the U.S. and the former archrival.She recalled that most of Russia is a can? Do not feel a sense of futility, the inability, even after the fall of communism and its replacement with a more open market system of reasons for this malaise are many, for example, but I think there is a fundamental difference between the Our peoples.In America, in general, we believe we can do something? which are the only things back there. We have a genius, to believe in ourselves and in the power of Russia individual.In, there is a growing sense that, often hidden forces that prevent most people ask, to grow and achieve. You may only? Not seem to escape the yoke of feeling dominated.In other lands, an 'idea is still too early.In America? S never too late.In other lands, we need a consensus before moving forward.In America, according to Stonewall Jackson, a courageous person? the majority. In other lands, that can never Fortunately, your boat can never sail.In America, we are once again the land of second chance, and that? s grateful that so many people, like my friend, for our departure shores.All of us think that the United States? Re genes? what? s our genius. And judging by our results obtained in the course of centuries, this may be an understatement! Dr. Gary S. Goodman, chairman of Customersatisfaction.com is a keynote speaker, management consultant and seminar leader and best-selling author of 12 books, including some groups and sales? and monitoring, measuring and managing customers. He is a frequent guest on radio and television throughout the world. A doctorate from the USC Annenberg School, Gary offers programs through outreach at UCLA and numerous universities, trade associations and other organizations in the United States and abroad. E ', based in Glendale, Califoia, and can be reached at (818) 243-7338 or at: gary@customersatisfaction.com.

Life Among Head On

Life Among Head On "We are to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and is no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve." - Maxwell in the world Psycho-Cybeetics (1960), I always life of the head, because I had no choice. I have a first shock of Life, when, just eight years, I lost my father. Since then, life is a struggle. I was from my mother, a widow who have neither education nor financial Means, but a big heart. My mother is a wonderful woman. She and trains Are protected. I have benefited from the fund wealth of their wisdom. My Mother instilled in me a good moral and spiritual values and the virtue of hard Work. You made me believe that the key to success is hard work and faith in God.My mother is the only lasting and profound influence on my life. They sold their property to my brother and I to school. Their aim is simple, she wanted me to say something about me, go ', has not the courage to dream, so that their hard work on me was not in vain. So when I left high school I vote for success in life. The promise has been my race force.Barely 10 years, I was thirsty, the size of the sale of iced water and biscuits on the streets of Lagos, Nigeria, to my mother. The best thing happened to me was growing up "on the side of Way, without the privilege of wealthy parents. Everything I wanted, I had Noise and scratches. Far from being a disadvantage, this was an advantage for me.Today I thank God, because the time is just history. However, There were moments when I believed the words of the Nigerian singer, who says: "I Been so long that it seemed to me. "At no time in my life, I believe that I would easy.When my beautiful woman in the world of work in the room during the birth of our Daughter of a few months ago I realized that even a child to life is not easy. I have a whole range of emotions, relief, fear, anxiety, desire, excitement, but certainly not ease.I suggests that instead of waiting to give birth to an easy way to enter the river of life, and take to her, understanding that A challenge, and good weather. During prosperous times, you should Expect adversity, because this is the kind of faith life.You should be able to meet the challenges of life. Instead raise the white flag of surrender, birch, with anger or the path of least Resistance, we take up the challenge and the head on it with faith in God.Marcus Garvey once said: "Some of us seem to accept the position that fatalistic fatalistic attitude that the creator of us a certain position and Condition and therefore do not need to be something else. "author Dennis Kimbro and Napoleon Hill who wrote about black men to meet the challenges in their" bread Herman, "that:" In every life comes a moment when the final challenge - a time when all our resources to be tested. A life time Seems unfair. At one time, our beliefs, our values, our patience, compassion and our ability to continue to be pushed to the limit and beyond. Some have these tests as opportunities for growth, others have been removed and this can Experiences, their hopes to destroy. "If you're ever faced with a situation that seems difficult, the only thing to do for your faith and a member of determination.As JayCee Inteational, a leading organization worldwide for the development from 1990 to 1995 are been the first cultivated beliefs Club where he said: "Faith in God gives meaning and purpose of human life." That is true. Kris Akabusi, the former gold medal of the Commonwealth, said in his biography: "work hard at everything you can, but ultimately, without God there is no meaning and satisfaction in life." Our faith God sees us in a number of obstacles in life.Life would have caused so many things in our streets. These are the steps that sense, the jouey and the events that are not only our lives but also help us achieve our goals. Today, that boy who hawked on the streets of Lagos, Nigeria, when he was just 10 years, the gate was crashed in l'introduzione of Tera Kota's first album in Nigeria - "Lamentation of Sodom" in 1982, became a man, feet firmly on the road to his dream, the mother of a grueling determination and his faith in God.When going more difficult and the situation is uncertain, are not Anxiety; trudge along. Keep your faith in the divine life and expression that all well.See You are at the top soon! Dayo Olomu is a UK-based motivational speaker, author, business coach, trainer, entrepreneur and media competent Toastmaster. His basic belief is that all of us with seeds of greatness, and his mission is to provide individuals and organizations their full potential. He is the author of best-seller "4 Strategies for Success indispensable" and the President of Croydon Communicators Toastmasters. Download his FREE monthly Rise to the Top newsletter by sending a blank e-mail to subscribe@dayoolomu.com or visit his website at:

Oct 11, 2009

A New Disaster Relief Program

A New Disaster Relief Program I think it is an extraordinary moment in our history. Humanity is, in fact, with his abilities, he noted, because all thoughts are brought into contact, such as physical symbols of thought. War and peace are physical demonstrations of thought. Disasters are also symbols of society? S thinking.For where it is known that the recent tsunami in Southeast Asia and are unable to donate money to the relief fund, there is something equally important that we can do, and can not be? t is necessary to send donations or anything.First, read this week? Channeled message. Joseth has done a good job explaining why happened.Second, and perhaps more importantly, the biggest thing you can do is remember. Do not enter the disaster network. Enter your positive thoughts on a healthy world, and you and I will be a healthy world.Your thoughts about the world is what the creation of conditions which we are living. You do not have the money to fund all, simply stop creating victims. Your greatest gift is a positive reality. God has not this case, you have, (we). Tu to God for the answers that will not be everything. Look inside your mind and find the answers.Part the world suffers, and we all lea. Not? T to be that way. It was not outside of us. Of course, this is a global and a personal issue.I always happy to meet on the bottom line. I see relief funds and donations, such as bandages. The events have only the importance that a person like you. There are many ways to express who you are, for doing nothing or to organize. Each of these decisions are in order, if the choice is expressed in fact are. They take care that you've never chosen to do that you have a good impression on them and they will not do so consistently guilt.Instead the bandage, I prefer to be healthy. Preventive medicine is cost-effective in terms of time and resources.It Everything starts in your head with your thoughts and then physically. If you understand how everything works, then why not just the link and think positive and enjoy it.Doctors, nurses, healthcare providers, health care, disaster relief funds, the mechanisms are all symbols of negative thinking. We know that we need them, so that there are situations where such an idea, and you are sick, have accidents and natural disasters.In time we are past this and move the icons in the conscience of all, all our experience.It is to be noted that the company has all their thoughts in retroactive maintenance of the world body. Take care of it after it happens. It makes clear that the best in our physical body. And 'now our common awareness that the answer is drugs, not just illegal drugs, but the counter and prescription drugs. Drugs are a person as the new savior. Drugs to take them down, or move it without personal responsibility for it.The sad part is that it is not in our conscience that they may be a change of mentality. We have this situation, individually and en masse, and you can change and that in the same way. The idea that our situation from within, not elsewhere, and are easy to edit. The power is with us, with little effort to ensure that the desired changes. First comes the thought, word and then finally deed.It all starts with the knowledge that you as an individual has the power to change the world, as you experience. The truth is that you already do and have always done it.When are tired of war, disease, hunger, lack of personnel, natural disasters and accidents, and non? T port this opinion. Don? T through television, reading the paper or other materials, gossiping and the creation of pictures, songs and poems. Centering your thoughts to produce what is truly, really, really want experience.Roy E. Klienwachter is an ordained minister, light workers, writer and author of Spiritual New Age Wisdom books in simple language, with the wisdom of eloguence zen.

Reality Check

Reality Check Direct Answers - Column for the week of 16 September 2002Two years, I have the biggest mistake of my life. I have a staff. It 'a beautiful girl who kidnapped my whole world when I met her.As time I realized that we have almost nothing in common, including music, food, sports, movies and outdoor activities, to name a few . At worst, there is passion between us.Furthermore, I do not feel welcome at his house, and I do not belong in their circle of friends for two reasons. I am seven years and come from South America. Although I leaed to speak English, I find it hard to say what my head, and if I have a word wrong, I am the clown of crowd.When, as I said earlier, we are not responsible for any other, is very emotional and not ask me to end. One might ask, what is the big thing, but if you stop working. Does not seem easy. We work not only in the same place, but sits next to me.I am the type of work that only once in his life. It would be difficult to leave, but it would be difficult to break and the other, unless I left. She is a beautiful woman, but we are not responsible for each other. It hurts me more than anything else, when asked whether her love and I am with my teeth. That mess, right? JavierJavier, you have nothing in common, there is no spark between you and your friends can have. This is the reality. He wants to continue the relationship. This is unreal. An ancient prayer says: "I am from the Unreal to the Real." This statement applies to everything, including the relationship you have two relationships.The is not an employment relationship. This is a personal relationship. No need to give your work in this, but if we do not act, what happens again become capable. Accept that there are some complaints at work for awhile.Your letter reminds us of so many others. A man told us that only needs a part of a frateity. He easily in the direction of marriage with a woman who does not love, and two children. A woman tells how her mother asked her when freedom called, "Tell him I'm not here!" I am married and had four children.Each marriage ended in divorce. Any divorce was the person who wanted the marriage. Recognize that a person is a relationship you do not want the relationship, if you do not want more. This is the way it on.Wayne and TamaraThe first StepIf anyone sees or knows a girl who has fantasies, and when he was a little 'shy in asking them, there is another way you could do? Paul Paul, inaction makes things into monsters when they are not. Hesitant, fantasy and immobilize us worry, but do something thing.Each fixed one day, millions of boys ask girls. Sometimes she says yes, sometimes no. However, the world tus. The field of play is more than you realize. You may hesitate to ask, but the girls often feel attacked, even asked.We never be guaranteed the final result. We do not know what will happen before we act. This is life. Work is part of the interview. Part of the assessment of the aims is to provide the sector. Some of the girls asks girl.You could flowers and a note, but why not? Clean the slate and move forward. You do not have a kidney or a pint of blood, only a date. Take action continues on the path to success, especially if this girl says "yes" or "The no.TamaraAbout Author Authors and columnists Wayne and Tamara Mitchell can be reached by writing to: Direct Answers, PO Box 964, Springfield, 65801 Monday or e-mail: DirectAnswers@WayneAndTamara.com.

Oct 10, 2009

The power of internal self -

The power of inteal self - I'm sharing one of the great insights.The fear that we are something new is our past and the memories of darkness. E 'a way of walking in darkness. E 'in an active advisory and trust deep within that we have spent. The intensity and precision of the leadership of the dependence of contact with our inner teacher / guide / light. In fact, fear is nothing but the fear of loneliness. One day, we deeply understand and experience that we are not alone, but in close collaboration and for the moment when the teacher within. Waiting for your confidence and will never be stopped, it removes the idea that there are to our knowledge alone.All inner guidance is looking for active contacts, and this power is 24 / 7 us. The problem is that we lost our ideas boe of fear and lead us from our inner teacher. Anyone who is closely connected with the inner teacher shines brighter every moment with renewed intensity and the courage to step in creating the life of their dreams with confidence, advice (Listen to the advice) and intimacy with the inner self. Daring and confidence go hand in hand and confidence can not come until we can confirm that we are not alone, but also actively involved at all times. That indifference, sometimes we have to experiment with our inner self and the belief that it? And not just my dream or vision, but their god? S vision or dream manifests through me for this part of my world. This conviction is the source of inner strength. LISTEN TO THE ROADS in inner DIRECTION.Courage selected to act as inteal support, which is tested in a bank, which is bigger and better projects.Author: Santosh Kunta? Mumbai, India. An avid reader of spiritual knowledge, engineering and enforcement. Enjoys reading, meditation and sharing. Can be reached by sending an e-mail to sskunte2@rediffmail.com

It is the spectacular

It is the spectacular I recently received a letter addressed to the spectacular Rachelle Lee. At first I thought it was a joke. Who could write such a thing? Then I thought that maybe it was a mistake. In any case, I knew that not to feel at ease. It tued out to be an announcement of what I'm not sure. What I am sure, is that as has been done caught my attention and I realized how difficult it is to be just as spectacular am.We ho are spectacular, but how many times are we? We are truly ourselves, while the world is spectacular, brilliant or wonderful? But how many of us call ourselves names? When you make a mistake, forget the birthday of a friend, or other act of man, how many times you run into names like stupid, idiot or worse? These seem, in some respects, to be more comfortable with words, but there are more positive adjectives challenging.I are guessing that most of us have difficulty because we have dramatically we were told how things? Do not blow your ho?, E? Do not boast!?. However, as I am proud to say, this is not bragging if it's true, and it is true that we have all the qualities that can be described as spectacular, fabulous, and much more. We must simply it.If you receive a letter using a word that describes you, what would it be? I grew very fond of spectacular, but another word that you want as a wonderful, beautiful, or stunning. My feeling is that, whatever word is more uncomfortable than you should use. I say this because more than likely that the quality is more difficult for you to possess. Well, the time has come, not only for herself, but to become. Once you embrace the best parts of who you are, it will be easier to name the owners, and share with the rest of world.Coach Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, Ph.D., is a Certified Master Coach specializing in working with entrepreneurs and professionals to be more productive and profitable remained healthy and balanced. Allen Lee is the publisher of the award-winning e-zine, 365 days of training. His first book, 365 days of training? Because life is held every day (Universal Publisher, 2004) was named a finalist for the best book to Publish.com 2004 and has a duration of five stars on Amazon.com.Visit Allen Lee to its websites and Management, Inc. CopyrightThis article with attached subtitle freely republished in May

Oct 9, 2009

N. easy path to financial freedom

N. easy path to financial freedom Achieving financial freedom is not a hundred meters dash. E 'a marathon. Financial freedom is much more than leaving your day job. It is to live in a realm more financial worries. If you are still struggling with issues of personal finance or work for money, no matter if you're an employer or self-employed, you have yet to achieve financial freedom.There n 'is no easy road to financial freedom. The path is full of holes. Sometimes things do not go as planned. In most cases, there is a big difference between the world of planned and actual. The reality, some sources of some bad surprises.You need to know in advance the things that probably does not go as planned. Sometimes yes. You must be willing to give everything you need and pay the price. If you want financial freedom difficult to find your inner strength to get up every time you fall. Success does not just happen. If you feel that appear on the financial freedom that you attack, you can believe anything. Nothing worthwhile is easy and lasting. There is nothing like that, without increasing the work (physical, mental or both). This is a fundamental law of nature. If you try to violate this principle, you are on your own.When things go wrong, it's a good time to stop and review what you're doing.You may be something wrong. Go to your process and change. Read a little 'more and ea more money and technical expertise. Work smarter. Pure work does not take away from these days, unless you work smart. Continuous improvement is the key. Better by the day. A withdrawal is a good opportunity to lea. Success makes you feel cold, you very well. The failure or defeat sends right back to school. Exit stronger and May wiser.You head the wrong way. No matter what path you go, whether you're on the wrong track, the only way home is to switch off and back on themselves. Getting a good road map before you continue. If you find other evil that you use the wrong card, and close it again. May you have lost a lot of time, energy and resources into a bad deal. It 'too painful, the best way forward is to reduce the losses and call a day. Back on track this time. Who are you and where to go is the main determinant of what the right way for you is.It may also be that you are on the right track, doing the right thing. Wait there. Don t give up. Not? Lea how you are a step forward. Sad stories abound of people who have given just before dawn. If you are on the right track, doing the right thing, then maintenance. You can not see the results of where you are. This does not mean that you are not making progress? It is right that this is not obvious to you or those around you. Keep at it. Your progress will be flat curve in May, don t give up. You have until midnight before going to dawn. When you can not see beyond its nose, it was very tempted to throw in the towel and go home. See through the arrival line.Don t lose sight of your dream occasion don t afford to lose concentration and seek a quick fix or shortcut. Easy come, easy go. Stay true to yourself. The experience you cross the street and become the person that after going through the process is much more important than the destination. Does nothing more than being themselves, who are bo be.Usiere Uko is the webmaster of the Financial Freedom Inspiration website and editor of the monthly Financial Freedom Inspiration Newsletter, an ezine for you to leave the rat race and fulfill your God given dreams. To subscribe or visit the website, click the URL below. He is also director of

The miracle of personal development

The miracle of personal development One day Mr. Shoaff said, "Jim, if you want to be rich and happy, lea this lesson: lea to work harder on you than you do on your job." From this moment I'm working on my development. And I must confess that this was the assignment of all the most difficult. This development activities for staff lifetime.You you see what becomes much more important than what you get. The important question to ask about at work is not "What should I do?" Instead, you should ask: "What am I becoming?" As always and as they are Siamese twins: What you become influence directly what you get. Consider this: most of what you have today you have become attracted to the person of yesterday 's also found that income rarely exceeds personal development. At times, this income is the ability to jump, but unless you lea to handle the responsibilities that go with it is usually to reduce the amount you can handle.If someone hands one million dollars, you better hurry and become a millionaire. A very rich man once said, "If you took all the money in the world and divided equally among all who will be back in the same pocket, it was before. 'It is difficult to maintain what is been carried out by personnel developments here, the great axiom of life - to have more than you have, the more - This is where you should focus most of your attention. Otherwise, you may be struggling with the axiom of not changing, that is - unless you change the way they are, is always what you have - your success, Jim RohnReproduced with permission from Jim Rohn's Weekly and -zine. Copyright 2005 Jim Rohn Inteational. All rights reserved Worldwide. To subscribe to Jim Rohn's Weekly E-zine, go to