"You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing"
Have you ever wondered what the passions and talents are that God has given you, and what you should do with them? Have you ever wondered if God has a dream for your life?
I was talking with some friends about these issues and one of them said: "What if I look inside and look at my life and don't find the answers to these questions, or don't find anything?" While I understand the uncertainty of her reply and her timidity, thinking that way fails to acknowledge that God has given each of us special passions to accomplish what He wants done in the world. And He has given us abilities to carry those passions out! They are part of our DNA of God-designed gifts. When we say that we might not find "anything", we are saying we aren't human. We might as well be a robot going through life.
Our Mission in Life
It is been said that our mission in life is to exercise the talents and motivations we most delight to use, in the place or setting God has caused to appeal to us the most, for the purposes which God most needs, again, to have accomplished in the world. Could you describe what this would be for you? That would mean describing your strongest passions, where you want to put them to use, and the purposes and people they would serve. Apart from God's leading and some personal reflection, this could be a tall order!
Understanding Our Purpose
Purpose can be found when we discover the specific purpose for which we were created and to which we are called. We all seem to want to fulfill a purpose bigger than ourselves.
A reminder: "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Eph.2:10) What were you created to do? Ask yourself if your activities and "work" are fulfilling some of God's purposes for your life? You might be doing "meaningful" things, but they might not be what God had in mind for you.
Another friend of mine (a very talented woman) recalled to me that her church had asked her if she would accept a particular job. I have no doubt she would have carried out that responsibility with talent and commitment. However, I sensed she was holding back. I asked Cindy, "Are your passions really in this job? Does it motivate you?" Her answer was no. She suddenly realized this was not her calling. She tued the job down. Later, she found other ways to use her abilities that did motivate her and enable her to serve in her church. I credit Cindy with recognizing that God gave her heart passions for a reason, and if she were faithful to those passions, a way would open up for them to be used.
Thinking About Our Heart Desires
There is a lesson here for all of us. We need to not only recognize our strongest passions, but reflect and pray about them. Why? They are hallowed ground. They hold the secret to the purposes for our life! We can find our passions or heart desires by looking over our life and listing our most satisfying achievements or accomplishments. Such achievements can come from school, church, work, home, hobbies, volunteer work, and can go back to childhood.
For example, you may find you were you always leading, serving, helping, communicating, organizing, solving problems, entertaining, or inspiring others. Anything you did which was based on something important to you was tied into your motivational patte. Discover what those motivations were and how they were used throughout your life. Write them down. They represent "where your heart is" and what God has planted in you! This information can be helpful to you in making life decisions and choices.
Identifying the Setting/Activity That Appeals the Most
After listing your heart's desires, consider using them in different settings and perhaps in new activities. Make a list of those settings and opportunities. You will find one or two will stand out more than the others. I made a list of the ways I could use my passions, and was intrigued to find out that even though those passions were part of each possible activity I listed, some activities still "grabbed me" more than others. That was a revelation!
Beware of letting logic get in the way! God may be calling you to stretch yourself and to jouey into un-chartered waters. List the different settings that come to mind. Be especially aware of the setting that really motivates you and gives you a sense of knowing and peace that you have found your dream. When you "leave" that activity, you lose your interest. When you "retu" to that dream it won't let go. You could describe the setting in detail: where it is, what you would be doing, whom you would be serving, and how they could benefit. Pray about it, and if it seems right, you have undoubtedly found God's dream for you. His will is also made know in other ways. (See November, 2003, What Should I Do With My Life? http://www.followyourheart.info/articles/art200311pr.html)
Realizing God's Dreams Reside in What He Has Already Given Us
When we start to disce the unique design of talents and motivations within us, we start to disce His will for our lives. We have a big dream that has been woven into our being since birth. Our mission is "written in our members." It is there to draw us toward the life we were bo to love, toward what we were made to do, and toward a place of His choosing. We won't be ourselves until we are there!
God has a mission, a purpose, and a dream for your life. May you find what He would have you do--- the place where you could serve and fulfill that dream! You may be used in different ways over your lifetime, in keeping with your passions and talents, and in keeping with where you are in your life.
Happy dream jouey,
Judy Peterson
�Copyright 2006 - Judy Peterson. All Rights Reserved.
You are free to re-print this article or forward it to someone else as long as you include the following resource box at the end and as long as you link to the URL mentioned in the resource box. Through life stories, practical help, and inspirational guidance, author and speaker, Judy Peterson helps others identify a God-given dream or passion and pursue their life purpose. This is based on her experience as a businesswoman and on her book, Follow Your Heart and Discover God�s Dream For You. Please visit http://www.followyourheart.info. Unless otherwise specified, the New Inteational Version (NIV) is used for all biblical verses. This publication is registered with the Library of Congress in Washington, DC - ISSN 1551-5907. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Judy_Peterson |
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