Energetically speaking, there was a huge shift in the energy on the planet in the end of October 2004; a shift that put all of us through our paces.
I�ve had clients who became very ill during the past year or had a close friend or family member suffer from some kind of intense health crisis. I�ve had clients who have lost their jobs, filed for bankruptcy, closed their businesses after years and years of service, while others lost everything they owned. I don�t know anyone who wasn�t touched by the passing of someone they knew, loved and respected � a number that seemed greater this past year than in any period before it.
And that was just in our personal lives. We watched as the tsunami hit south east Asia, killing thousands. Then there were hurricanes Katrina and Rita; and before we could even catch our breath, a huge earthquake hit the mountainous areas of India. Each of these events devastated the lives and livelihoods of thousands, if not millions, of innocent people.
As the year progressed, I could see clear pattes of our emotional wellbeing emerging, one after another, some good, some not so good. The movement of our consciousness went something like this.
Not much after the year began, as �things� started to happen in our lives, our anxiety rose. Soon after, feelings of hopelessness and the feeling of being beaten down started to emerge. As the days and months went by, we tried very hard to open ourselves up to a new beginning, forgiving ourselves and those around us, personally, professionally and spiritually. As each crisis emerged, we did the best we could and tried to move on. And while we tried with all of our effort and zeal to have peace and harmony in our lives, our success was limited. In fact, I found that the more we tried and the less things seemed to change, the more resentful and frustrated we became about the whole da thing. And from our pit of darkness and despair, we sat and waited, feeling powerless to do or change anything.
I must say that historically speaking, I�m pretty good at looking at and identifying when shifts are going to occur on the planet; and thankfully, there was a shift. Somehow it got by me and I didn�t even notice. It�s probably because I too was sitting in the muck and the mire of the planet�s energy and was unable to see past what was right in front of me.
So let�s talk about this change. Even though 2006 has just started, I have noticed a new surprising quality in people�s attitudes. It�s interesting, because the planet is still trying to vibrate at the energy of fear and effort, but its effects are having much less of a hold on people. It is as if we have gotten to the point were we have exhausted all our options, and are willing to do whatever we have to do - whatever the cost and whatever the risk.
Let me give you an example. A few years ago when I still had a day job, I got up to go to work. Running a bit late as usual, I decided to pick up my dog by her hind quarters and dangle her around. Well, I guess she really needed to pee because, before I knew it, there as a stream of golden showers covering my hands and clothes.
Now running really late, I jumped back in the shower to clean up, got redressed and ran out the door. I have to tell you that by that time, my level of stress and anxiety was running on an all time high. Speeding to my car, I threw my purse into the car, hoping it would land in the passenger�s seat. As it flew through the air, it caught on the rear view mirror and ripped it right off the windshield.
I think I started to laugh at that point in time. I do remember wondering what else could possibly happen to me that day. I knew whatever it was or possibly could be I wouldn�t be affected by it at all. The sky could have fallen down around me and I don�t think I would have given it a second thought.
In that moment, I found that I had let go of all my fears, all my worries, and all my anxiety. It was like I had transcended my own ego and nothing in the world could bother me again.
I�m sharing this story with you today because this is the energy we are in right now. The line that always comes to my mind when I think about this shift is - we have already been through hell, so what could possibly happen that could make things any worse.
Surprisingly, or should I say thankfully, this shift in energy has the added benefit of opening the door to new futures, new hopes and the manifestation of our hopes and dreams. Instead of fighting, struggling and living in effort, we are open to allowing things to happen as they choose to, in their own time and in their own way. I think last year we were all set and adamant on making things happen in a certain way. Now we are content to have anything happen, good, bad or indifferent.
This energy really and truly is freeing. When I think about the feeling of it, in the back of my mind, I can hear Janice Joplin singing �Freedom�s just another word for nothing else to lose� and the reality is, we have come to a place within ourselves where we recognize we don�t have anything else to lose, but instead a whole lot we can gain.
Also, with this shift, I have noticed that we are also more willing to take risks and willing to do what needs to be done. It is taking us from a place of fear into a place of power and empowerment and with it, we are gaining strength.
Where we will be going and heading as 2006 continues to unfold, I can�t tell you, but I do know this... Take the time, use this time to take a deep breath and let go of all of the hurts, anxieties, frustrations, stress and resentments you experienced last year. Instead, use them to give you strength as you face any new obstacles or challenges in this New Year.
Spend a moment and think about what you want and the direction you would like your life to take you in the future. Be open to receiving it in whatever way, shape or form it may choose to come to you. And most of all, express gratitude for all that you do receive, no matter how big or how small.
� Copyright Body, Mind & SoulHealer 2006. All rights reserved.
Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com
Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Rita Louise, Ph.D. is the author of the books "Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4" and "The Power Within". It is her unique gift as a medical intuitive and clairvoyant that illuminates and enlivens her work. Let Dr. Louise help you bring health, healing and wholeness back into your life. Medical Intuition & Energy Medicine Certification training classes are now forming. Visit www.soulhealer.com or call (972) 475-3393 for more information.
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