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Home Decoration for Valentine's Day by Candle
Aug 31, 2009
The gift of forgiveness
The gift of forgiveness It feels much forgiveness in our churches, on Oprah, in new age magazines, but do we really understand what the problem is about forgiveness? We read that if we forgive others and ourselves that we are doing our spiritual work and becoming better people, but what does it mean for us? You can forgive this kind of date for some time, until it is executed in a desired location, and thus causing the revenge of him. You can forgive your parents for your horrible childhood but as soon as you get on the phone with his dad is holding it like you always. What is forgiveness anyway good? The key to forgiveness is to forgive the heart, not mind. Knowing in your rational mind, that your parents are the best that could raise is not sufficient for the pardon. That is why every time you are with the father still hold. If you really have not forgiven him to react that way. You feel compassion to help them achieve their dream and that he is simply expressing his point of view. If you really release the pain of his childhood, his self-importance and the need for reason of his point of view, it would no longer be held personally. If you do not take it personally that it is not angry and there would be no need to punish him for behaving like an angry child. We must look to ourselves, with honesty and objectivity. One could say that he has forgiven someone in your life, but the proof is in pudding.If you have an emotional reaction in the presence of someone, your heart is saying that did not solve their problems with them. In other words, you have not truly forgiven that person. All this raises the question, how can you forgive? First, stop lying to yourself and stop telling stories about you because the way you behave done. Stop blaming your behavior on others and take responsibility for their emotional reactions. If I could forgive all the people in your life that have wounded or injured would be possible to have control of their behavior, rather than in response to other people all the time. Imagine living a life without experiencing a constant emotional roller coaster of pain, anger and jealousy! It would be a blessing! The important thing is to be aware of what happened and to be able to tell the truth about you. Have you truly forgiven or rational mind is a story that tells you that you have? After determining what is truth and what is a justification, you are ready for the next step. Secondly, look at her life with clarity. Try to see what has happened in your past, not only from the point of view but also from other people? S point of view. We must be able to walk in the shoes of others to understand why it happened the way things are done. Not that? It does not mean you have to agree with what they did and how they did. Not at all. The values and beliefs may be very different from them. All this means that you can see the whole truth of what happened and the whole truth at all points of view, not only own.Take some 'time to hear the story of his life. It might be useful for the magazine in history for a moment in your life that have been challenged by. Listen to what you have written. It seems as if they were victims of their situation? Be objective, if someone hears his story, saying that someone was wrong, it was resentful, angry and vindictive? If so, this is the first song you are looking at things from a unique point of view. Why? Well, if you feel bad as some, of course, then other actions personally. It is supposed to know why they did what they did agree with your point of view and beliefs about their words or actions. It is likely that their interpretation of what the other person has or has not said what the other person had in mind when interacting with you. The key is to imagine what happened from their point of view.If say that my husband around on me and ruined our marriage and I was wrong, I'm just saying part of the story. My responsibility for my half of the relationship? E 'I doubt that was a vision of the beauty of marriage. I had a half of that relationship, and to take all reports of the contribution of both parties. When both parties can see clearly, and feel compassion for my husband, I can not forgive. But if I am entitled to my point of view of the victim and blame everything on him, will not be sorry. E 'likely that I will bring my anger and resentment in the next relationship, too. This applies to all human interactions in our lives. Rape, physical, emotional and mental abuse, deceit, violence, etc.? are all included. Yes, even that which they find most heinous of human activities can be forgiven.Seeing things through the eyes of the truth means to stop judging each other and, instead, take responsibility for their interpretation of these activities. It means being responsible for how to write the story of what happened. I could say yes, my husband out on our marriage but, gosh, I was not aware of how my actions affect our situation. Both have much to lea from this report. I am pleased to see clearly what happened and grateful for the opportunity to grow and become a better person. even if it hurts pretty bad for a while 'time. The key word here is gratitude! We judge everything that happens in life, as good or bad, right or wrong. The truth is the only true life, and life is exactly as it is. To the extent that we are always judging others and life situations according to our point of view, we can never be grateful for the challenges and experiences of life sends our way. No matter how enlightened a person might be, things always happen in life. People who die for love, relationships come and go, the stock market and the place of accident, the car can be total, but if you have gratitude for life? The problems, which will always be happy for writing a beautiful story of your life! Better yet, do not feel circumstances.You victims may think that I am living my life in a fairy tale, but I assure you that I? No. There have been domesticated in our process of living a certain way. I believe that if you do not see a soap opera on television. Everyone is stressed, the creation of theater, with emotional explosions, shouting and arguing, defend their views and, in general, creating a life of misery! Telenovelas are popular because they imitate our lives. I propose a different way of perceiving life, without a trial and the ability to see the opinions of others and to see that beliefs are not yours. One where you take responsibility for your mind and you think, and as a result of this inteal conversation, you decide how to react to any situation. When you can see the other person? S point of view, one can forgive the heart. True compassion for the human experience is the starting point from which forgiveness. Compassion is an act of love that is free from attachment. Of course, the kind of love I'm talking about is unconditional love.Once you saw the truth, you must decide to put aside the pain, anger and resentment that has been holding. This requires that you take action. If you connect to your pain, resentment and self-righteousness, and dependent on their emotions, this will be a difficult step for you. Requires action to stop what it was for participation in many years. There is comfort in that they are aware, even if we are experiencing the pain and suffering. The pain and suffering is the knowledge we seek. It takes absolute faith in himself, more courage, determination and discipline to let go. But once you let go, in tu, if the weight of the world, has eliminated the back. This process is important not only to forgive others in our lives, but also to ourselves. For most people, giving us the gift of forgiveness is very difficult. Forgive me for people using his life to the injury. Forgive you for not being clear, the fault of others and not take responsibility for their actions. Injury to forgive others and the anger, jealousy, hatred and the direction of others. Forgive me for having chosen to participate in situations that go against their integrity. Forgive us for not respecting you. Forgive us, not for yourself and have confidence in your ability to be authentic. Forgive you for trying to control the people you love. And, of course, do not you love that forgives 100% of the way it is! More than once my teacher, don Miguel Ruiz, is said? In order to combine the spirit in your heart is light as a feather. Well, when finally separated in anger, resentment and pain of the past, that his heart is light as a feather. Not only that, but for the first time in her adult life was happy, really happy, and his life reflects the change back to you in any way. After all what we thought in our mind is what manifests in our lives! The conclusion is that we forgive ourselves, because we like so much that gives us the gift of freedom. Because we do not necessarily forgive the other person deserves, but because we do not want to carry the load until they die. Anger, hatred, jealousy, and will be age, resentment and bad, inside and out. The question is, how much love and respect you? E 'enough to have the gift of forgiveness? I hope so.Dr. Sheri Rosenthal Toltecs is a master teacher and author of idiot? S Guide Toltecs Wisdom. Having trained with don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, which currently takes students on spiritual joueys, works personal apprentices and enjoys very happy. You can reach his or
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