Jul 17, 2009

Passionate Living

You are not alone, many people long to change their current status, myself included. My friend, you are entitled to want the freedom to pursue and live out your deepest dreams. So, what is stopping or should I say hindering you from attaining the desire of your heart? Could it be that you lack the will to go after what has already been preordained by God before the foundation of the world? Maybe you allow fear and intimidation to cause you to come to a complete halt on the road to destiny and purposeful fulfillment. What about discouragement wrought in your spirit because of countless disappointments? I�m quite sure you have had at least one person in your life to try and convince you to put away your true desires. The opinions of family, friends or naysayers become ashes in the flames of passion. When you passionately pursue the will of God for your life, every form of opposition will stand up and take notice that you mean business. I didn�t step on this stage called life just for a vain show.

After the curtains of destiny close I will have made a significant impact for the Kingdom of God! In order to overcome these roadblocks you must allow a buing passion to consume your very being! There are some days when I feel quite at ease with the life that I am living, and all of a sudden destiny will began to provoke and shake me off my seat of comfortability to pursue the promises of God. Ultimately, we should be pursuing the breadth, width, depth and height of His love for us.

All excuses as to why you can�t accomplish your dreams must be removed from your mind. It takes discipline of thought to continually focus on conquering the goal set before you. You need to see everything else as a distraction or temporary obstacle capable of being removed by the power of God�s eteal word. If God be for you, who or what dare stand against you? Our greatest example of being totally committed to the will of the Father is found in our big brother Jesus. It is written according to Hebrews 12:2 that we should model the very same champion mindset he carried throughout his time on earth. �Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.�

One of my closest friends once asked me a question that often helps me during times of adversity. �Can you reign with him?� So I ask you the same questions. �Can you decree increase in the face of lack? Can you decree victory in the face of defeat? Can you decree healing when attacked by the spirit of infirmity? Can you decree joy in your soul when the spirit of heaviness is chasing you like a bandit?� Until you can, these things will constantly trip you up in the process of dream development.

In this early stage of my existence on earth, I have discovered four mindsets during the process of dream development. Phase one: I want to be a (fill in the blank) Phase two: I will be a (fill in the blank)Phase three: I work to be a (fill in the blank) Phase four: I am a (fill in the blank). It is important that you find out where you are in your own jouey towards greatness. The possibilities are infinite when you trust in the Lord with all of your heart, your mind and your soul. When you can see my friends, then you shall be! Live your life passionately F.O.C.U.S.E.D. (Future Oriented Chain-breaking Unstoppable Soldier Excelling Daily) If you have enjoyed this devotion you will love my newest book �Follow Your Dreams�. Available for purchase online at www.kristiekennedy.com.

Kristie Kennedy, is a Self-published poet and author, Independent Gospel Recording songwriter/artist, Motivational Speaker, Business Consultant,Barbizon Modeling Instructor, Entreprenuer and inspiring woman of Persevering Faith.

Jul 16, 2009

Opening to the World of Possibility

Opening up to a world of unlimited possibility demands that I stand in responsibility for the choices that I make. This begins with the realization that I, not the mind, am the author of my life.

My mind is a stimulus response mechanism. Therefore it does not actually think, it concludes. When I unconsciously behave out of my recurring thoughts I am no longer thinking, I am reacting.

I think, and the mind records it as a thought, a particle of information.

The minds purpose is to assure my survival and the survival of whatever I consider myself to be at any given moment.

It records my present experience and by means of association with past information, it responds with a conclusion. It can only work within the limits of the information it has.

If you look the other way when I am talking to you my mind may interpret that to mean that you are not hearing me, invalidating me, disinterested, antagonistic, or any myriad of meanings that are brought about through association due to past information, therefore reinforcing its own prior conclusions. In this sense the mind is trapped in its own beliefs.

Simply said, when I look out into the world my mind interprets the information to mean something and the purpose of its conclusions is to always uphold and defend my survival.

The mind operates within a structure of survival and resistance tapes. It draws to it what it concludes I need in order to survive and resists what it concludes is a threat to my survival.

If my mind concludes that I am unacceptable yet also concludes that I need acceptance in order to survive, a problem occurs. If I agree with these conclusions I spend my time seeking acceptance and resisting it at the same time. The effect of this behavior is the essence of pain and unfulfilled desire.

To get outside of this scenario I must cultivate the ability to challenge the minds beliefs by remembering that it has no choice and therefore is bound within the information it has and the conclusions that have developed into beliefs.

It is designed to do this. It is not the minds fault.

Pure Being is Source. A Source is a point of origin. Nothing comes before it. It is Cause and Creator, also known as Spirit, and Self.

Choice is a quality of Pure Being. In order to create, the Creator must have a choice as to what will be created.

Choice is a function of Responsibility. Therefore responsibility abides with Source, the Creator.

Pure Being, Cause, Spirit, Source, Self, is all inclusive. There is nothing outside of it. It is not limited, has no boundaries and therefore is immeasurable. It is a no thing. Yet all things occur in it.

An effect is not a source. The mind is an effect and therefore is not a cause.

An effect is caused by Source for a purpose. The mind was created for the purpose of retaining information. It has boundaries and therefore is measurable, if not it could not hold thoughts. It is a thing.

The conceiver (me) is always greater than its conception (mind and its content).

A conception has no choice other than to be the thing conceived.

I Am not my mind, I Am not my thoughts, and I Am not my feelings or any of the minds content. I simply have a mind, I have thoughts, I have feelings and I have past experiences.

I am greater than these. I Am a Pure Being. I Am a Source, a Cause, and a Self.

So are you.

This realization is an awakening, a shift from an unconscious way of being to a conscious and responsible life.

The challenge is to daily, hourly, consistently remind myself that I Am not my mind and that I have freedom of choice to create beyond what the mind knows.

Permission: to give formal consent, to allow, to permit or to authorize.

Today I give myself permission to �Tell the Truth�.

I can do this by asking my Self if the information the mind is proposing, or the thoughts I am thinking, or the story the mind is concluding via interpretation is the absolute truth.

The information in my mind may not always be true. Conclusions are not necessarily the truth.

Feelings are the natural occurrence of the thoughts that foster them. I feel my thoughts, however just because I feel a thought does not mean it is true.

Most often we let our thoughts and feelings dictate our behavior without asking if it is the truth.

I, not my mind, am responsible for the behavior I demonstrate.

The thoughts, feelings, or stories, are not responsible because they do not have freedom of choice. I Am responsible. I chose to agree with them an acted accordingly.

Cultivating the ability to step back and consider whether or not I choose to agree with the minds current conclusions, at any moment, enhances my ability to communicate and behave responsibly.

The freedom to choose not to agree with the minds conclusion is disciplined denial.

Happiness is a function of accepting what is.

By stating the facts only regarding what is happening in present time, with nothing added on and no interpretation or fantasy, I allow everything to be just as it is.

Today I give myself permission to �Go for Results�

I can do this by being willing and eager to function outside of my minds need to be right.

Having to be right keeps the mind from going for a result beyond what it already knows.

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting new results is one definition of insanity.

The mind is functioning within its limited belief system and cannot be absolutely certain of what another is thinking or feeling. It also does not absolutely know what the next moment might bring.

The mind however, pretends it knows and can become painstakingly reasonable about it when its perceived authority is threatened.

Reasons, justifications and excuses are the content within the mind and therefore do not have choice.

When the mind becomes stuck in being right it cannot, on its own, experience the freedom of allowing any new possibility to occur outside of what it already knows.

I have choice and therefore I Am responsible, not my mind, for agreeing with the minds reasons, justifications and excuses for not going for a new and original result. Therefore I am responsible for staying stuck.

Ask yourself �Do I want to be right, or do I want new, fresh, and novel results?�

Having to be right also fosters anger, arrogance and hatred. Ask yourself �Do I want to be right, or do I want to be happy?�

Life becomes repetitious and stagnant when I give up my authority over the mind. By allowing my past to determine my present moment and also my future I suppress and dominate the possibility of miracles, spontaneity, discovery, and breakthroughs.

Today I give myself permission to �Maintain My Freedom of Choice�

The new information, goal, objective or result I create can be experienced as an infringement by the mind and it can become annoyed and frustrated. After all it often feels more comfortable being right than it does in opening up to something new.

Including something new can sometimes feel confusing.

The tendency at this stage is to attempt to avoid responsibility and stay stuck in the mind.

Here it is essential that I maintain my freedom to choose over the minds conclusions and the corresponding feelings.

To accomplish this it is essential to include the disciplined denial that is needed in order to tell the truth, and the willingness to imagine a result beyond what the mind insists on being right about.

By incorporating these three simple principles; Telling the Truth, Going for Results, and Maintaining My Freedom Of Choice, I can manage the authority problem and remain open to my potential and a world of new possibilities.

These principles are a few of the distinctions delivered and experienced in The Liberty Experience Training.

Knowing them intellectually is the booby prize. Experiencing and demonstrating them is the gift and creates expanded consciousness.

Come join us and open up to a universe of unlimited possibilities and actualize your potential.

Have Fun!

Matt Garrigan is a motivational speaker, the founder of LifeForce Educational Corporation and the creator of The Liberty Experience Training, The Mastery Course and the Awakened Potential Course. Matt has been a pioneer in the human potential movement since 1980. His exceptional goal oriented coaching techniques, expanded consciousness training, awareness counseling, integrity coaching and spiritual guidance have assisted thousands of individuals in transforming the quality of their lives. As a motivational speaker Matt�s ability to uniquely integrate many different philosophies and practices, combined with his steadfast commitment to empower people, makes his work a potent, life enhancing experience that sheds light on new possibilities in communication, relationship, prosperity and enlightenment.

You may reprint this article in your newsletter as long as appears exactly as printed above including the links.

� Matt Garrigan � http://www.mattgarrigan.com

Jul 15, 2009

The Two Choices We Face

Each of us has two distinct choices to make about what we will do with our lives. The first choice we can make is to be less than we have the capacity to be. To ea less. To have less. To read less and think less. To try less and discipline ourselves less. These are the choices that lead to an empty life. These are the choices that, once made, lead to a life of constant apprehension instead of a life of wondrous anticipation.

And the second choice?

To do it all!

To become all that we can possibly be. To read every book that we possibly can. To ea as much as we possibly can. To give and share as much as we possibly can. To strive and produce and accomplish as much as we possibly can. All of us have the choice.

To do or not to do. To be or not to be. To be all or to be less or to be nothing at all.

Like the tree, it would be a worthy challenge for us all to stretch upward and outward to the full measure of our capabilities. Why not do all that we can, every moment that we can, the best that we can, for as long as we can?

Our ultimate life objective should be to create as much as our talent and ability and desire will permit. To settle for doing less than we could do is to fail in this worthiest of undertakings.

Results are the best measurement of human progress. Not conversation. Not explanation. Not justification. Results! And if our results are less than our potential suggests that they should be, then we must strive to become more today than we were the day before.

The greatest rewards are always reserved for those who bring great value to themselves and the world around them as a result of who and what they have become.

To Your Success,

Jim Rohn

Reproduced with permission from Jim Rohn's Weekly E-zine. Copyright 2005 Jim Rohn Inteational. All rights reserved worldwide. To subscribe to Jim Rohn's Weekly E-zine, go to http://Jim-Rohn.InspiresYOU.com

Small Wonder


~~To think or speculate curiously

~~To be filled with admiration, amazement or awe; marvel

~~A cause of surprise, astonishment or admiration

~~A feeling of surprised or puzzled interest, sometimes tinged with admiration.

So what is it about wonder that is so remarkable and valuable? I think when you are experiencing wonder, several things happen.

1. You are more receptive and open

2. You are more likely to see and feel the possibilities

3. Wonder jumpstarts your creativity

4. And in a state of wonder, you are very, very attractive

There are many places and things that awaken that feeling of wonder in everyone who has the chance to experience them. But we can't go to the Grand Canyon, Egypt's Pyramids, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Machu Picchu, the Great Barrier Reef, or Victoria Falls every day.

So how do you add a little wonder to each day? Well, what amazes you when you take the time to really notice it? Just like my elation at smelling the Spring air for the first time in three months of Winter, there are little wonders in our daily lives. An intentional and focused noticing of these small wonders can make the difference between a ho-hum day and one that is full of creativity, amusement and possibilities.

It's noticing that is key. Many of these small wonders are things we see every single day. We don't experience the wonder however until we take the time to notice. It does not take long. Pick anything common in your environment that calls to you. Then focus your gaze and thoughts on that one thing for just a few short minutes. It's a new way of noticing your child, a friend, the spring flowers, the winter icicles, a bird at the feeder, a deer, a lake, the fog, the rain, the sunshine, a patch of grass, or even your pet.

Just take two or three minutes to remain focused enough to experience the wonder in one simple thing. Then get on with your day. Do that 10 times a day and you've spent only 20 to 30 minutes each day calming yourself, shifting your attitude, and becoming more receptive, attractive and creative. Notice how much more alive you feel. Imagine, 30 minutes each day in awe. Now that it itself is a small wonder with big rewards.

About The Author

Deb Martin is a Transition Coach, coaching individuals to simplify life and business transitions by seeing their brilliance and honing that brilliance. Subscribe to my free e-newsletter, PORTAGE, for insights designed to help you feel and act differently in order to attract what you want, naturally. Please visit my web site at: http://www.portagecoach.com


Jul 14, 2009

Remember Within

Remember when you were really young? It was an era of inconsequential innocence. Even at this age, your imagination was larger than large. Seemingly effortlessly, you concocted boldacious thoughts and dreams. You could pretty much imagine and then do anything you set out to do.


You had big dreams; and even bigger expectations. Even as a youth, your psyche was naturally tuned to being, having and doing more every single day.

However, sometime - between the ages of nine and now - your ambitions became ambivalent, blurry and unfocused. It wasn't long before you lost sight of your most deepest desires.

What happened?

Well, you allowed people, thoughts and things to distract you just enough to obscure your inner vision. Today, neglected and rejected, are the desires of your heart.

The uncompromising love for those closest to you.

That sleek, new car you promised yourself you own someday.

What about that ideal career? Remember? It was supposed to help you realize that quality of life you talked about so much.

Just because your dreams are out of your view, doesn't mean that they are not within you. Wouldn't you like to see them again?

You have the ability to create and connect with all of your desires. What are you waiting for? Dump all of your disempowering thoughts and beliefs. It's time to clear things up on the inside. Only then will you manifest what you truly desire ... on the outside.

EzineArticles Expert Author Fran Briggs

Fran Briggs is an author and motivational speaker. She is also the President of The Fran Briggs Companies, an organization dedicated to the personal and professional development of individuals and groups around the globe. The company's personal development website offers a free, exciting twice-monthly newsletter that helps you live a happier, healthier and wealthier life.

Please visit http://www.franbriggs.com and http://www.dwjd.info for more information.

The Purpose of Life

I am sure we have all asked at one time or another, "What is the purpose of life?" Or perhaps this variation: "Why am I here?"

It seems like such a profound question: Great philosophers have been asked that question. Great thinkers and scientists have been asked. Great spiritual and religious leaders have been asked, too.

One would think that the answer is so profound and unknowable, even the greatest minds of all time could not provide the ultimate answer. But I humbly say to you, I have the answer. And it is quite knowable to all of us.

The purpose of life is (drum roll please) TO EXPRESS.

To express what? To express as much of God as you can. To express as much Life, Love, Light, Power, Peace, Beauty and Joy as you can.

If you are familiar with Judge Thomas Troward, a pioneer in the New Thought Movement, you will know that he describes the qualities of God as: Life, Love, Light, Power, Peace, Beauty and Joy. Since God is First Cause or Universal Creativity, It creates. What does It create? It creates Itself. What is Itself? Life, Love, Light, Power, Peace, Beauty and Joy.

We are expressions of God, which means we are all Life, Love, Light, Power, Peace, Beauty and Joy in various levels of expression. Our purpose is to express greater and ever greater levels of these qualities, all for the purpose of God's ever-increasing Enjoyment of Life.

From "The Creative Process in the Individual" by Thomas Troward: "We found two principles as essential in our conception of the Originating Spirit, namely, its power of Selection and its power of Initiative; and we found a third principle as its only possible Motive, namely the Desire of the Living for ever increasing Enjoyment of Life."

Spirit creates for the sole purpose of expressing Itself. We are created in the image and likeness of Spirit; therefore our purpose is to express ourselves. Our highest selves. Our God-like selves. Which is Life, Love, Light Power, Peace, Beauty, and Joy.

We can think of the seven qualities of God listed above as they relate to us as individualized centers of Spirit this way: Life is the Energy of Good. Love is the Givingness of Good. Light is the Knowledge of Good. Power is the Movement of Good. Peace is the Acceptance of Good. Beauty is the Expression of Good. Joy is the Experience of Good. (-- courtesy of Rev. Harriet Smolka of the Oak Park (IL) Church of Religious Science.)

We can all express more of the givingness, the knowledge, the acceptance, and the experience of Good in our lives.

Again, from Troward: "We have seen that the Spirit's Enjoyment of Life is necessarily a reciprocal -- it must have a corresponding fact in manifestation to answer to it; otherwise, by the inherent law of mind, no consciousness -- and consequently no enjoyment -- could accrue; and therefore by the law of continuous progression, the required Reciprocal should manifest as a being [my emphasis] awakening to the consciousness of the principle by which he himself comes into existence."

WE are that BEING to which Troward refers. We have been created to be the reciprocal that Spirit needs to consciously recognize and know Itself as Itself, which, again, is Life, Love, Light, Power, Peace, Beauty and Joy.

So what does that mean in our day-to-day living? Couldn't we all express Peace a little more? Perhaps by saying a kind word to a stranger, perhaps by resisting an argument with a loved one, perhaps by letting some indiscretion by another driver on the highway, go without incident. Couldn't we all express a little more Love? By expressing your feelings for another person without expectation of a like-wise response. By giving of yourself by volunteering just because you can. Couldn't we all express a little more Wisdom and Understanding (Light)? Such as knowing when someone is lashing out not at you, but because of their own fears or sense of powerlessness.

This is how we express more of God. This is why you are here. You are here to express your unique spiritual self. Spirit would not be complete without you.

�2006 Tina Montalto

Tina Montalto is the founder and president of Conscious Keels, Inc., an ePublishing company specializing in New Thought spiritual eBooks and audio books. She is the author of "You are What You Think" available for free at the company�s website: http://www.consciouskeels.com.

She has also created and serves as instructor for a 7-week eCourse on Spiritual Mind Treatment also available at the website. In addition to providing a selection of original eBooks, Conscious Keels offers a free monthly eNewsletter, a community-building discussion board, spiritual retreats, and e-greeting cards.

The Eyes of the Clown

There are few enough miracles in life, God knows. I think perhaps the circus is one of them. We pay our money, braced for boredom, and are bombarded by noise, bewitched by beauty, awed still one more time by elephants that, yes, are smaller every year. Yet something happens when we enter the big top. If we let it, we will be carried back to hopes and dreams long surrendered: hopes that something wonderful really can happen, dreams that will happen to us, maybe even now.

Clowns are the prime miracle-workers in all this. There is a vision in the eyes of clowns that sees the world new-washed in daybreak's dream, the vision of a leaf retued to bud, of pretext gone and darkness only seems. Clowns are pegs on which the circus can be hung, the hooks on which the magic is begun, the eyes of God to find our soul and nudge the people we can be. Clowns tell us -- if we listen -- that something wonderful really can happen, right there, right here, right now.

It is easy to forget the clowns -- spots and bangles, rubber nose, feet like ducks, outlandish clothes. It is perhaps more comfortable to miss the clowns, for they mirror ourselves, stripped of pretention, stripped of protection. There with all our naked feelings hanging out. There -- that tear, that laugh, that sigh -- don't hide it, says the clown. Let it come. Let it happen. Let it be.

The clown takes the risk first, but leaves the rest of the magic up to us. We can be real, can let others know our pain, our need, our joy, our strength. If we let it, the magic really can happen, right there, right here, right now. And that's the biggest miracle of all, God knows.

(c) Maureen Killoran, 2004


EzineArticles Expert Author Maureen Killoran

Maureen Killoran, MA, DMin, is a Life Coach and Unitarian minister, with a passion for helping people connect their strengths with their vision. Maureen offers dynamic individual and group coaching, work team empowerment training, teleclasses, and a free monthly e-zine, "Seeds of Change." http://www.spiritquestcoaching.com

Jul 13, 2009

Sins of a Sensei

At the behest of my counselors, my parents did their damnest to keep me preoccupied. Preoccupation was essential and theraputic, when consistent. Give an ADHD'er an hour of unsupervised, unmedicated freedom and bad things happened. I was no different and in a lot of ways, worse. My impulsive actions growing up placed me in a plethora of odd, harrowing and dangerous situations that, by themselves seemed "normal" for that age but soon I realized they happened with an increasing frequency. With the burst of adrenaline associated with these situations, my mind was as clear in that moment as it would ever be. It was euphoric, enlightening and appeared to me (and still does) that I function at my coherant best when facing a "fight or flight" situation. So naturally, I put myself in these situations more and more. I did a lot of bad. Sometimes I got caught but mostly I got away with it. For that instance of adrenaline and endorphine rush, I was the smartest, fastest and coolest person on the face of this earth and I was untouchable. Or so I thought.

I wasn't untouchable the evening I spent the night at a friends house, sometime during my 5th grade year and decided that at 3 in the moing we would take his fathers keys and drive his car around Lackland Air Force Base. Unfortunately for us we passed an MP without our lights on. He waved at us to stop but we plowed ahead, right into a large metal dumpster. We opened our doors and fled only to be caught and arrested for joyriding. We were only 10 years old. Needless to say my ass looked like that of a baboon for a few days and I was grounded until the next winter solstice.

It was clear then to my parents that I needed more than baseball and school to occupy my time. My violent outbursts at home as well as at school resulted in excessive paddling and many instances of "running away." Typically, I would disappear for about an hour or two. Sometimes longer. Once it was for 3 months. On more than one occasion I threatened suicide and was even found (as I had planned) hanging by my neck from the clothes rack in my closet by my mother. She slapped me across the head, told me dinner was ready and I lived another day. I never seriously attempted to leave this plane but I've never really found it very comfortable living here either.

They enrolled me into piano lessons, arts and crafts, boyscouts, sunday school and church. I went to summer camp, winter camp, baseball camp. All to no avail. Baseball was a given. A ritual necessity for the whole family. But as in all other aspects of my life that too saw the best and worst of me. I was prone to games of brillance, followed by horrendous play. I threw bats, got into fights, was thrown out of games and even disciplined right on the field for my impulsive, angry outbursts. It was a viscious cycle of violence, followed by incredible affection (guilt perhaps). Of a heavenly peace one minute and Damian the next.

While perusing the youth center one day I stumbled across a martial arts class in progress. Not permitted to enter the dojo I sat just outside, watching the syncopated movements, the rapid strikes and kicks and the unison chants of "Ki aye". The sensei, a portly and short man, who wore a thick beared and had piercing blue eyes, made his way in and around the class as they continued their lesson.

Mark Nichols always spoke in Japanese when speaking to his class. Discipline, it was immediately apparent to me, was the key to success as a martial artist as well as in life, as my parents tried so desparately to show me. I knew in an instant that I would be standing in the next class.

Over the next 4 yrs I would dedicate myself to Mark Nichols and the "Bushido School of the Japanese Martial Arts." The style was Kobodo-jitsu with an emphasis on combat and weaponry. I immediately became a wiz with the nunchaku and progressed rapidly eaing my green belt within 2 years. I also racked up quite a few trophies for placing in weapons kata and kumite (fighting). The pinacle came when I placed 3rd in kumite at the US Amateur Karate Championship in Houston at age 13 in my division. A few hours later I was inches from falling 13 stories from the roof top of our hotel in downtown Houston. Needing an adrenaline fix I took the elevator to the top floor and made my way to the stairs which opened up high on the rooftop of our hotel. Followed closely by an entourage of kids I made my way to the edge and looked over just as a mysterious gust of wind thrust me forward leaving me flapping my arms in reverse as fast as I could, at a 45 degrree on the ledge of the enormous hotel. Then I was pulled back by one of the assistant instructors, who was no older than I. I lay on the deck of the roof for what seemed an eteity. I thought my heart was gonna spring from my chest like "Alien". I believe I cried for a few minutes and made my way downstairs to the safety of my hotel room. Or so I thought.

Mark Nichols took me under his wing almost immediately. We went everywhere together. He taught me about respect, discipline and self-control. He lectured me about obeying my parents. He even threatened me. He stayed in close contact with my parents and kept them abreast of my training and behavioral issues. Mom and Dad were immediately impressed and noticed a change within the first months of training. They both remember this period as some of the most peaceful and productive of my young life. I stayed in baseball and continue to relish this new peace within. I was in awe of this man who magically "cured" me from my impulsive, angry outbursts and helped me focus my energy on the positive, on the arts and on success and growth. My grades improved, I continued to progress in rank and eventually was helping the new students in the class. On report of a problem at school I would not only get a whipping at home but have to take one from Mark as well. I would bow into to the dojo only to feel Mark's cold eyes fixed on me up until I was called to the center ring where he punched and kicked me into submission.

This happened more times than I could count. He would also have the other students/instructors punish me in similar fashion. My 6th grade school year was spent in Ft Worth with grandma but after Dad's retu from the Phillipines we moved back to Lackland and continued our life there. I was eager to continue with my training, as my parents were eager for me to resume my tempered behavior, which had become quite irrational up in cowtown during Dad's absence. Even a heavy dose of good pentecostal discipline didn't keep me from stirring up trouble at grandma's house. This culminated in the worst butt-whooping up to this point when I, a sixth grader, pissed off a well-known 5th grade bully (he had 20 + lbs on me) whereby I was punched repeatedly in the face during a football game until I was bloodied and dazed. I remember well my mother standing over me, chewing me out for running my mouth and instigating the whole mess. She needn't worry, I thought. My lips won't move for a few days anyway for they swelled so large even Mick Jagger would be envious.

But Dad was back, Mom was happier than she'd ever been and we were heading home to San Antonio. By the eighth grade I was a brown belt. One belt away from black. It was a moment I longed for and knew it was just a matter of time. Mark Nichols continue being my "second father" and continued to impress my parents with his control over me. For a spell, when I became raucheous my folks even resorted in threatening to call Mark and tell him of my antics, which usually stopped the situation or reversed the behavior in it's tracks. I still had my moments but they were few and far between. Achieving shodan status was the most important goal ever in my life up to that point and I wouldn't let my erratic behavior jeopardize that.

Everything changed for me after a particular weekend outing at Canyon Lake, although I didn't realize why until much later. Most of the class had attended this particular outing at our usual spot on the lake. Spread out in 3 cabins along the shore one night, most of the students slept. In our cabin were myself, students Dee, Chris C, Stacey C, Mark, his girlfriend and another male acquaintance. We kids were running around here and there while the adults were sitting at a table consuming large amounts of alcohol and spewing larger amounts of inappropriate sexual lingo. These conversations peaked my interests and I listened intently. I giggled at the talk of sex then proclaimed that I knew more about it than they thought, which I didn't. No sooner did that lie fly from my lips did I find myself being walked into the back bedroom by Mark's girlfriend. This was pretty damned exciting for a thirteen year old, I must admit. She immediately challenged my false prowess by removing her pants, then her panties, spreading her legs and slowly pushing my head into her crotch. She gave me a lesson in the fine art of oral sex although she never reciprocated. I am not sure if that pissed me off then but it sure does today. I remember tasting strawberry flavoring, like she had rubbed lip gloss or something down there before my pilgramage into the deep, dark somewhat malodorant forest.

I didn't remember anything else that happened later that night for a full 15 + years. The pieces were filled in during a recurrent dream of sodomy some years later. That dream then became entrenched in my waking moments. Then one day, it revealed it's first and only other character besides me. It was Mark Adair Nichols. It was Mark Nichols who entered my room later that night to sodomize me and threaten me if I told anyone. It was Mark Nichols who assured my inherently agressive nature would tu violent, but this time directed not towards inanimate objects as had been the norm but towards those I love, my friends, the innocent. I trusted no one, not even my family. I was now armed and ready. Ready to take on anyone who threatened me in any way. Fear permeated my existence. To build a wall and to stand guard just inside it was my priority now. No one will ever penetrate it's walls ever again to get to me. Those who would try would face a violent thumping. I enterend a new world after that night on Canyon Lake. I didn't even realize why until much later. Looking back, it was effective in keeping me safe but I also realized that while it kept the unsavory out, it also kept out those I loved and kept me locked inside a dark, unforgiving, unloving place.

From around the time this particular horror came to light, around age 27, I started carrying a 45 cal bullet with me. I would purchase the gun after determining Mark's where-abouts. I envisioned the marking M.A.N. on the metal casing for Mark Adair Nichols. For he was no man but a sick freak who would get what's coming to him, if only I could find him. Subsequently it was determined that Mark Nichols had raped or molested several young boys in that class. One in particular, CB appeared to have gotten the worst of it, when Mark Nichols conned his family into allowing him to stay at their place, where he repeatedly molested CB over a 2 year period.

I suppose because I immediately buried the incident in my subconscious, I stayed with the class and continued towards my black belt. Coincidentally, almost a year to the day later, I receive a "speed letter" from Sensei Nichols stating that I would soon test for my black belt and that I should start my preparations. I was witness to the indoctrination of DDP during her blackbelt testing, the thought of what she endured that day haughted me. DD was pummeled by 3 instructors for a half hour straight. Bloodied and bruised with tears flowing, not from pride mind you but from pain and humiliation, DD gracefully accepted her black belt. Now it was my tu. In hindsite I guess all Mark had on his mind was what was going through mine. Had I snitched on him? What did I remember? Did I know or understand the horrors perpetrated against me that night on Canyon Lake? I hadn't. It was tucked safely in my subconscious but Mark didn't know that.

In any event, Mark Nichols, DD and Sensei S. commenced to pounding me into submission. No gloves were used but the fingers were taped to prevent gouging of the eyes. And for one half hour I was beaten to a pulp until I lay on the mat crying uncontrollably and bleeding profusely. After gaining my composure, I was awarded my black belt, oblivious now of the ass whooping I just received but filled with pride at achieving such a distinct honor. I had made it. I would go forward and share my knowledge and skills with others. I would now stand side by side with the other instructors with honor, pride and a new-found discipline that would change my life for the better. Or so I thought.

Super Powers

It is fun to watch movies of those with super powers. It sparks the imagination to watch their feats of great strength, lightening speed and great leaping ability. We can escape for a while from our dull routines, perplexing problems, and humiliating weaknesses. It seems that they have every ability that we don�t.

Did it ever occur to you that you have super powers too? No one has supeatural powers of course, but we all have special abilities that the majority don�t. The trick is to find an occupation where we can use our strengths and not have to rely on our weaknesses.

Everyone is unique. The Creator gave each of us the exact amount of strengths and weaknesses to accomplish our purpose. Our abilities and disabilities help us determine where we belong and how to find our niche. The ones who make it big in life are not extra ordinary people, they have discovered where they fit in life and took advantage of it. The rest of us may search for a lifetime and never find our ultimate occupation. We often get stuck, making just enough that we can�t afford to start over at the bottom in something else.

You can�t leap over tall buildings with a single bound, but your mind has the capacity to bypass obstacles to your success or move them out of the way. Physical strength is great for health but you can accomplish more with an alert mind. Mankind cannot fly like a bird, but we have the ingenuity to build airplanes that can. We can�t run like a gazelle, but we can build vehicles that outperform them.

We can�t instantaneously teleport our bodies to another location but we can instantly envision places where we want to be. We have to see it in our mind before we can do it. Everyone can picture what they want to become. It is just a matter of setting goals, making plans to go from where we are, to where we want to be. Then we have to stick to the plans.

We don�t need supeatural physical powers. We have minds more powerful than any computer. We just need to develop them. They say in the computer business, �Garbage in garbage out.� The same goes for our minds. If we dwell on doubts and fears of failure, that�s what we will become. The Bible says that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. It is imperative that we focus on being successful and refuse to think about failure.

If we fill our minds with cheap novels and stories about unsavory characters, we won�t go very far up the ladder. We become what we think about. Computers need to be programmed, so do our minds. We not only need a good formal education, we must keep up with the latest developments in our field, or we will soon be out of date. We are living in the age of information that bombards us with knowledge. We can�t digest all of it, but we must filter out what applies to us. We can�t remember all of it, but we should file where we can find, what is important to us and make practical use of it.

Many suffer with stress. We have the power to get around that problem. One of my coworkers once said, �The boss thought he was chewing me out, but he wasn�t, because I didn�t take it that way.� Whether it is stress or not depends on how we take it.

How we look at life depends on our attitude. Our attitude determines our altitude. Whether we are bored, happy, miserable, or thrilled depends on how we perceive it. Happiness is not determined by wealth or circumstances. Millionaires sometimes are so dejected that they kill themselves. You decide to look at the bright side. You can lea not to permit negative things to dampen your spirit

I once worked as a telecommunications technician, checking out and repairing old equipment installed in new Police cars. I was stumped often and it sometimes seemed to take forever to get a car ready to go. It got to me at first, but I finally came to the conclusion that it was the out dated equipment that was having a bad day, not me. It wasn�t my fault that it was wo out. We shouldn�t take it personally that our work is difficult. It comes with the job.

It would be nice to have supeatural powers, but until we get new bodies in the next world, we will have to make do with well developed and fine-tuned minds. If we did have supeatural powers, we would have supeatural problems. We should be thankful that we have an easier life than those in the past who didn�t have the mode tools that we do.

You have permission to publish this article provided you leave the resource box intact. It would be appreciated if you notify me when you do at lynn_b2@yahoo.com.

Lynn Bradley is also the author of the paperback book, Climbing the Heavenly Stairs. You were created for success. Discover what Jesus said about doing seemingly impossible things. Click on the following link or use the title as the URL. http://www.thelynnbradleybook.com

Jul 12, 2009

The One

To our mode eyes the concept of the One or Oneness is mystical and Easte in origin and there will be found truth in this. But we can perceive this reality with our Weste eyes. Try to imagine yourself as a grain of sand. You are nestled upon the beach, one of trillions and trillions of grains of sand. You are quite separate and yet also part of and similar to the whole. All you see around you are other grains of sand. But whilst you concentrate on those, you neglect to see the sky from which falls the rays of the sun that contain life and the drops of rain that feed the ocean that formed you. You do not see that those other grains of sand were formed in the same way as you and that they too come from the same rocks; you are all the same. And one day, in millions of years you will form as ancient sedimentary rock one again.

In this way, we are all formed by the same methods, with the same energy. We all eat the same produce of the earth and drink the same water. We shall all retu to this same earth from where we came and the earth shall one day retu to the universe from whence it came. Ultimately it shall all �roll-up� in the Big Crash and all be one again. In truth, it is all one anyway. It is all interconnected and via quantum entanglement every piece of information is everywhere from all time in one place and in every particle. Imagine that! It�s like a hologram plate. When we look at it the picture placed there by light energy is three dimensional. When we smash the picture into a thousand pieces, every piece has the picture of the whole! This is what the holographic universe is like, but this time we have more dimensions such as time itself. So imagine, you as an individual are really part of a multi-dimensional holographic universe where you are everywhere in all-time!

Well, that�s kind of what the One concept is about in a really simple way. So did ancient man understand this principle and what lessons for us can we draw? For an answer to this I just knew from my own research that I should tu to my Sufi friends and their ancient wisdom.

There is a tale told by the 19th century Sufi master Ghuath Ali Shah and today re-told by Sufi masters across the world. To many the teachings mean nothing. They are just nice stories re-told again and again and have in the re-telling lost their value. But this is not true. Those with the eyes to see can understand the many meanings behind the tales and in this respect my years listening to and leaing from various �teachers� of the Gnostic loop, including Sufi�s, has seen me in good stead. The tale I speak of is known as The Four Travellers and I will now myself in all humility to the ancient masters, re-tell the tale and offer some explanation for our mode eyes. Understand of course, that in each tale, there are many levels of understanding and so you can find truths within for yourself.

There was a forest, black as midnight and thicker than thieves. It was a favourite route for many, but suffered from highwaymen and robbers and so it was that four travellers found themselves needing to rest for the night, but fearful for their lives and possessions. They were good friends and had three of them had been so for many years and so after discussion they decided to take tus to watch around the campfire. They settled down and the first watch went to a carpenter and wood sculptor. He sat for a while and then noticed a small length of wood and so decided to pass the time carving a beautiful image of a woman. By the time he had finished it was time for the next watch and so he placed the wooden lady down and woke his friend.

His friend was a tailor and after a while he too noticed the piece of wood and decided to make some clothes for the image of the woman. He produced a dress of silk and finished off with small leather sandals. Now it was time for him to sleep and he woke the next man who was a jeweller. Again to pass the time the jeweller decided to ado the little figure with beautiful jewels. The final watch was summoned, but this time the man, a new friend the others had met on the jouey, had no skills at all and so felt very ashamed of himself. He saw the wooden lady and admired the art and craft of his new friends. He wanted to show that he too was capable of improving upon the wood. He decided the only thing he could do was to seek the help of God and so he prayed:

�Oh, Almighty and Merciful Lord, give us some portion of your glory and as the Giver of Life bestow upon this humble figure the gift of life.�

The fire finally went out and all was dark, all was one black place. Then the sun rose and crept across the landscape, revealing the countless forms that had been part of the darkness. One of these forms was now new to human life � the wooden woman was a living, breathing creature. The four men now awake were aghast and in awe at their creation. The wood carver admired the contours; the tailor was gushing with pride at the serene silken dress and the jeweller thought the fine gems were full of inspiration. And yet the fourth man claimed the upper hand for himself, because it was he who had asked God to provide the life force. In truth, the four men, who just the night before had been friends, were now swo enemies, each one claiming ownership of this thing of beauty.

And so, because they could not decide who owned the stunningly mute female they made for the nearest town where they sought out the judge. Unfortunately the judge and the towns people simply thought they were fools and so sent then to see the king. Again, the king, thinking them to be fools sent them to the Sufi master who this time took all five out to see the Tree of Knowledge and with an assembled audience began to ask the tree for its wisdom. No sooner had the Sufi begun to speak than the tree opened up before them and as if by magic the young lady walked towards it and was swallowed whole. They never saw her again.

This marvellous tale reveals many �truths�, but I wish to concentrate on just two of them here. The fact is that the woman had come from wood and would therefore go back to wood. She retued to the place from whence she came, just as we all shall. This is the concept of the One. It is the unity of the cycle itself. Not only are we part of the whole whilst in this part of the cycle or that part of the cycle; we are the One before and after and always shall be. As cosmic dust, solar rays and universal energy feed our planet and us, so too shall we ourselves retu to cosmic dust, solar rays and universal energy one day. We shall retu to the place from whence we came, we are part of a great unified universe. There is no tomorrow, no yesterday, neither exist. The only place in time and space that exists is now and that is a slice through the whole.

But there is much more to this tale and for me there is a strong personal lesson for each and every one of us that can only be leaed truly if we understand our �place� in the greater whole. We are no different to that wooden woman. We came from the One into the One and so we are the One. Who is it that thinks they can form us, dress us and then give us life? Nobody owns us. To own is an anagram of now and in the now we exist. Whether your family, your town, your school or your employer or even your political or religious leaders � they all claim ownership at one time or another. And yet not one of them owns you just because they taught you, gave you life, gave you reason, clothed you or employed you. No ruler rules you. You are the same as everybody and everything else and no matter what another gives you it does not empower them above you.

You may be a small piece of the holographic universe, but within you is the whole picture right now.

Permission to reprint this article is hereby given by Philip Gardiner, 2006.

More on Philip Gardiner can be found here ==>www.gardinersworld.com

Philip Gardiner - EzineArticles Expert Author

Best selling author of The Shining Ones, The Serpent Grail, Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed and Proof - Does God Exist? See http://www.gardinersworld.com for more. Host of the Forbidden Knowledge Conference UK Stoke, UK July 1st 2006. Seen on tv documentaries and currently filming a new dvd, and several inteational documentaries on ancient wisdom.

My Audience With God Ten Questions and Answers

I never thought I would get a personal audience with God, and then it happened.

I couldn�t believe it when I got the message emblazoned on a rainbow of my dreams. God had decided to grant me an audience.

Oh the joy of it. I trembled in anticipation. I have been longing to have a personal meeting with God, and now it was happening.

My mind seemed scrambled in anticipation. What would I ask Him? I had so many questions. Here is a short list I came up with. One doesn�t want to take too much of God�s precious time:

1. Dear God will I be accepted in Heaven?

2. Dear God will you protect me from evil?

3. Dear God have I been a good person in your eyes?

4. Dear God will you hear my prayers?

5. Dear God will you grant me my wishes?

6. Dear God can I count on your blessing?

7. Dear God will you grant me good health?

8. Dear God will you help me defeat my enemies?

9. Dear God will you keep me from being lonely?

10. Dear God will you accept me as a Person of Faith?

God smiled at me and chuckled. He wanted to know why I assumed that he had all the answers?

I didn�t know what to say. I stuttered and stammered and finally in a hoarse voice that sounded more like a mummer I managed to tell Him that it was because I believed in Him and believed that He had all the answers.

At this point God laughed. The whole night�s sky seemed to light up with his merriment, and he told me that He would answer my questions as follows:

1. If you believe in me you have assured yourself of a place in my Heaven and of your dreams.

2. If you have faith in me as all-powerful, I will protect you from evil.

3. If you believe in me, how could I conceive of you as being anything other than a good person?

4. I hear your prayers and know your fears now as I always have, and those of all people who believe in me.

5. I will grant your wishes if they are in the public good.

6. You have my blessing as do all people of faith.

7. I will grant you the health and strength to believe in me and in your future.

8. Your enemies will be my enemies and since I love all mankind, I know no enemies, and neither will you.

9. You are not alone any more, for now you have found me, and I am always with you.

10. I accept you as a Person of Faith if you can lea to believe in me and be inspired by what you cannot see or understand.

And with that last statement God was gone and my audience was over in a flash of blazing glory.

But I accept that God is never gone from our midst and believe that he is always with us, do you? Are you a Person of Faith?

Do you believe in what you cannot see or comprehend?

Would you like a personal audience with God?

Do you have enough faith to believe in his presence?

Hurry, God may be waiting to hear from you!

Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box. (C) Copyright Arthur Levine 2006

Arthur Levine is a columnist for the Religion and Spirituality Forum of United Press Inteational, and the author of the Faith Patch Manual. To discover seven secrets of how to find more faith and preview the book, please access: http://www.faith-patch.com/stp/10answers

Jul 11, 2009

The Real Secret to Staying Young

In a society where the focus is constantly on youthfulness, we search continuously for ways to remain young, yet for the most part, whatever lotions, potions or surgery we choose, staying young cannot be found in a bottle. It can in fact be found, but we seem to be looking in the wrong place. In fact, like almost everything else, the answer can usually be found within.

Not long ago, while having dinner with a group of friends, a question was posed as to whether there could be a genuine secret to staying young. Since most of the world is always on the lookout for the fountain of youth, it was an interesting and thought provoking conversation. Each person in attendance had their own unique views about the aging process and although each valid and interesting, I had a different opinion.

When it was my tu to share, I confidently stated, "In my opinion, staying young means finding and expressing your passion. The mystery, if there is any to staying young, could be attributed to tapping into the creative aspect of ourselves. Regardless of age, creativity doesn't have a number!"

My group of dinner companions of course asked me how I had come up with this notion and to elaborate. Although I had absolutely no real proof other than my own experience and that of a few of my friends, I told them that I had been observing those who seem to get younger and those who seem to age. One speaks about retirement early on, while the other is always on the lookout for something exiting to include in their every day lives. In fact the one with a thirst for the new stays vital and alive for a long, long time, while the other just seems to get older.

To bring my point home more clearly, I had done some writing for a friend and in retu he gifted me with a web site. At first, I was filled with apprehension and fear as to whether I could get a grasp on the Inteet experience, but instead of running away, I chose to look it squarely in the eye and say 'yes' to the Inteet. Although that may not seem like a very monumental endeavor, tackling a challenge such as the Inteet for a person in their 50�s was quite a feat.

As a result of my willingness to take on the challenge, today I write for people around the world and am a featured author on many well-recognized online publications. To have tapped into such an amazing part of both the world and myself brings me more pleasure and fulfillment than words can ever express and has certainly done wonders regarding my youthful appearance. Had I not been willing to conquer what seemed beyond my grasp, I would have missed out on some of the most spectacular experiences imaginable. To my way of thinking, vitality and productiveness cannot be measured by age but only gauged by actions and attitudes.

In concluding, the mysterious component that seems to elude most individuals regarding youthfulness is in my humble opinion, the seeking of your passion, and then living it to the fullest, regardless of your age.

Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Writing Stylist/Consultant to her creative efforts as a freelance writer/consultant. She has successfully helped countless companies and individuals reach their objectives by writing outstanding press releases, web site content, bios, articles of interest, business plans, resumes, and all other forms of marketing material. You may contact Charlene Rashkow at http://www.allyourwritingneeds.com or write her at info@allyourwritingneeds.com.

The Brilliant You Unreleased

You're a remarkable person. But, you knew that already. Still, buried among apathy, unbelief and inhibition, is the brilliant "you" waiting to be released. You already knew that, too. A few disappointments here, several temporary defeats there, and POOF! just like that, you settled for being a risk-conscious, opportunity: self-denied, generality. Nobody makes any progress by standing still. You're not an exception; and you're not alone.

In fact, you have plenty of company. But, why settle for a life that looks like just about everyone else's? Do something magnificent with your God-given gifts and boldly distinguish yourself from the masses. Decide-on this day-to connect with your brilliance, within.

Paramount in your quest for brilliance is the personal development and daily utilization of your talents and abilities. As a matter of fact, it's required. It's not necessary to be perfect. Striving for excellence in everything you do is enough to release your brilliance.

Trust me. You were not bo to be "mild." So cut it out! There's an entire universe out there starving for your gifts. How long will you continue to wait to take those last four classes needed for your degree? What career have you just been "wishing it were so" about? If all you can see is yourself remaining 16 units short of your degree, how can you possibly prepare for an exciting future? If you can't believe for a meaningful vocation now, will you have the passion to believe for one later?

Challenge yourself. Commit to do just two things this hour that will untap your brilliance. Revamp your resume; make a phone call to your advisor. Even a modest amount of brilliance unreleased, would relay the message to your brain: "Wow, she's serious!"

Ignite your passion. Inhale, then excel. Stand and deliver! See, then be!

Your life matters. Visualize your brilliance totally unreleased. Then boldly, step into the vision.

EzineArticles Expert Author Fran Briggs

Fran Briggs is a "motivational speaker of the inspirational kind." She is a published author of several books including, "Seeds for Success," and the children's inspirational, "Don't Think Like an Elephant!" For resources that maximize human potential, visit Fran at http://www.franbriggs.com and sign up for your free successzine. It's a newsletter loaded with innovative success tools and strategies.

Jul 9, 2009

Planning for the Unexpected

Unfortunately, most people fail to plan until it is too late. History tells us that for centuries humans have been witness to tragedies, and often times have been the victim of them. A cursory study points to one inescapable fact: a tragedy always produces another tragedy.

Consider: all the wars, past and present, carried on in the name of some �sacred� or �national� cause, has always brought about death, destruction and ruin to countries, their armies and their citizens � a tragic loss of lives but also a tragedy to the person(s) left to deal with the loss of a loved one while at the same time needing guidance as to what to do, beyond a Will, about personal effects and business matters.

Witness: the tragic deaths of people owing to disease and epidemics and the tragic effect such disasters have had on the survivor(s) � the person(s) who must bear the brunt of their own personal tragedy and loss, attempt to go beyond any Will, put things in order and go on with life.

Recall, if you will, the natural disasters - floods, fires, toados, hurricanes, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, almost always resulting in the tragic loss of lives � and for every life lost there is a person, or persons, who must face their own personal tragedy at a difficult time when they must also try to find guidance , in addition to a Will, and establish what should or must be done.

We have only to look at the recent horrendous catastrophe that happened in the Pacific where the tsunami devastated entire towns and villages; claimed in excess of 220,000 lives, wiped out entire families and left thousands homeless. Closer home, the lives of thousands of tourists, away from home and family to enjoy a warm and happy holiday, were suddenly snuffed out. All of them expected to retu to their respective communities to resume their daily life. For each life destroyed by this tragedy there is a person, or persons, at home who must deal with the tragedy by shouldering the burden of being the executor of their estate by seeking help after the reading of the Will.

And then we have the hundreds of individuals whose lives are curtailed on a daily basis because of sudden heart attacks, strokes, car accidents, or other unanticipated events � a tragedy to each family but an even greater tragedy to the person who is likely to be totally unprepared for making the required decisions beyond those that may have been given in a Will.

Throughout this article emphasis has been placed on the person left to deal with the tragedy, regardless of its magnitude, because whatever the situation(s) described above, not one of the individuals could ever have anticipated the timing of his/her demise. But then one cannot help but wonder how many of those individuals had taken the time to not only execute a Will, but put pen to paper so as to guide the person who survives them as to how they would, or should, handle their affairs.

As brutal and callous as it may sound, quite likely less than 20% of the individuals who were victims of the tragic situations were considerate enough of their significant others to talk to them at some point about their wishes much less actually doing something about it. No one likes to think about death, much less their own - but it is something of which we must all be aware and, as best we can, prepare for. This means that in addition to a Will, we should give, or at least leave, detailed, written guidance for the person who survives us. Not doing so would indeed create and be a tragedy.

Julian Huffer, though not a lawyer, served many years as Executive Director of a major law association until his retirement. He has continued his interest in legal affairs and, based on his experiences at the association and personally, has been greatly conceed with the lack of attention individuals give to leaving their significant others all the information possible about their personal wishes, financial matters, key medical and legal contacts as well as the locations of important documents. To that end he developed a lengthy but concise non-legal, do-it-yourself document for use by the average person. It was created to be used as an adjunct to a properly drawn Will and to serve as a guide for those who must see to the �winding up� of affairs. For more information http://www.willandestateinventory.com Copyright 2005 - 780588 Ontario Inc. All rights reserved.

The above article may be used in Web and Print media as long as it is not altered in any way and the unaltered Article Source box is published with it. Please notify the Author with a copy.

Passion What It Means To Live With It

Passion can guide you, not just to live, but to live with purpose. Throughout my professional career, I've had most fortunate opportunities to associate with numerous high profile individuals and organizations, including Forbes 400 successes, politicians, celebrity entertainers and athletes. And I�ve leaed to recognize that people who live with passion exude alluring energies from within themselves that seem to "magnetize" great people, situations and circumstances into their lives.

Three years ago, I encountered a young man on my way to a banquet. As a valet attendant pulled my car away, around the coer, near the building I was about to enter I saw a young man sitting next to a saxophone. He was dressed completely unlike the pedestrians passing by, who all wore attire betraying the casual elegance of luxury tailoring. I realized that, dressed for the banquet, I was also cut from the same refined sort of cloth. So as I approached the young man with the sax, I hoped my upscale appearance wouldn�t make him uncomfortable.

As I came closer to him, I noticed he looked like he hadn�t showered for days, and he�d buried a sad face in his hands. I understood sadness and confusion and how they can sometimes seem unbearable; I�ve been there, as we all have. But I�ve also leaed that feelings of dissatisfaction like these can be opportunities disguised as obstacles, that force us to grow, transform and become better than we once were.

So I stopped and knelt down next to this young man. I smiled, said hello and introduced myself. I politely asked him if he�d play a song of his choice for me and the other passers-by, and I placed a five dollar bill by his side. He slowly lifted his head from his hands and said, "Thank you," and tried to smile back at me. He rose to his feet and began to play his saxophone -- to my surprise, the old song, Pennies from Heaven -- (Penny was my first name).

Soon his talent was filling the air with enchanting notes that kept the valet attendant company, greeted the guests who arrived at the event and pleased the many people passing by -- adding a little more jazz to everyone�s night. Spectators complimented the young saxophonist with their smiles and applause, and they also rewarded him with some bills and change.

Soon after, I tued to attend my function, arriving "fashionably late." And since that day, I made it a point to visit that very spot as often as I could, to watch and hear the young man play his saxophone. I noticed soon that he�d even trimmed his hair, and he wore a tie to his sidewalk "gig."

But six months later, the young man seemed nowhere to be found, and my heart sank.

Then, over a year ago, while I was at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, Califoia, I saw a familiar face appear on stage to perform with a band: that same young man I�d encountered three years before. He was still playing his saxophone -- now better than ever! I thought maybe I�d say hello to him during a break in the music, but my intuition whispered, "No, that won�t be necessary." I quietly left after the band�s performance ended. And as I slipped out, I sighed blissfully, because I was certain this young man was well on his way to successfully exploring his passion for a life in music.

Just as for that young man, living with passion can guide you to express your unique talents and use them to serve humanity. And by doing so, you can create abundance in your life that can positively affect everyone around you. You see, living with passion will not only fulfill your longings, it will also remind you to love unconditionally and perform random acts of kindness for others. I�ve experienced countless moments, like those I spent with the young man with the saxophone, that prove this concept to be positively life-altering. For when you live with passion, you�ll realize the joy and magic that lie beyond what you know through your mere human senses.

Copyright � 2005 Penny Phang Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.

EzineArticles Expert Author Penny Phang

Penny Phang is one of Canada's nominated Top 40 Under 40 business leaders, recognized for her commitment to provide strategic business services with inspiring enthusiasm, creativity, and elegance. She is also well known as the Producer for Playboy Special Editions for Weste Canada. In addition, she remains involved in full-service business communications with her founded Simplex Communications Group, and continues to write for her monthly inspirational lifestyle column, Moments of Inspiration with Penny on http://www.pennyphang.com/

Miss Phang's experiences are not limited to the business world. She holds two black belts in Karate and was a member of the West Coast Warriors National Karate Team. She�s also a former Top 20 Special Editions Celebrity Model whose inspiring personality has been transformed into "Penny" the 3-D animated character for Electronic Arts' Def Jam Vendetta video game.

For further information please go to: http://www.phangenterprises.com/

Jul 8, 2009

My Lost Immortality

Oh my God, I'm not immortal anymore! What happened? Where's my neverending youth? My long summers? My bright future?

Gone, gone, and... wait a minute, there's still future left!

Repeat after me:

I refuse to fall over and let the wagons pass me by on this dusty trail through life, so I'm going to hop up, brush off the dirt and get going! I can still catch an exciting ride and spend some great time with interesting folks who share this long, winding trail.

Sometimes I get confused, with no focus, no specific goal. I find my time being wasted by bad little habits. I can empty my pockets of all those time-wasters and let them fly in the breeze like bits of useless paper. They'll drop and be forgotten, trampled by wagon wheel and hoof. Ground back into the dust where they belong, nevermore to travel with me.

I'll look ahead with optimism. I'll lea to adapt. I'll ride INTO the possibilities of the future, not UNDER the uncertainties of today.

I have time to see my dreams come true, time to make them real. I can see the horizon, the destination of the sun, the vastness of my life ahead. So much land I can cover, so many places to go.

I will move in sync with time. It will never pass me by. My heart will beat as the seconds tick, and my wheels will roll as hands of time tu. Time to do, time to be, time to see.

Some things will pass, others will remain. I remain, and while I remain I will try things that no one else has tried, do things people say I can't do. Succeed in ways I was told I couldn't succeed.

All is not lost. Nothing is gone except my fear and uncertainty. Those are the things I do not need. I shed them off and settle into the saddle of my life, in control of my tus and my steps.

I pull my hat down to shelter my eyes from the setting sun, not setting on my life, but illuminating the trail ahead, preparing the way.

Shining on my future.

My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.

Drew Vics

Drew Vics is an artist, writer and musician living in New Jersey. He writes for Myeyez.net -- A Webzine, part time, and released a self produced debut CD, No more waiting.

Jul 7, 2009

Take Back Your Personal Power Stop Being Blamed and Start Creating An Incredible Life

Have you ever had a person in your life who literally thrived on playing the blame game? You know the ones that are constantly belly aching that it's your fault? Then you actually believe them, so you play the game of fixing all of their problems! You become the rescuer? I did! I didn't realize it at the time of course because that is a life lesson that I was working on mastering and boy did we play a good game together! We danced in victim consciousness together creating disaster after disaster for ten years! He created, I rescued! He created, I rescued! Then one day he got himself in another situation (and of course this was all my fault!) I was so sick and tired of continually putting forth all my energy into fixing his problems that I threw in the towel. I quit. That's the day the light bulb came on! I realized that I was not allowing him to take responsibility for his own life. I was doing him the worst service possible. I was dis-empowering him! I was taking his power away by fixing all his problems not to mention dis-empowering myself! That's the day I gladly, and I mean gladly, handed him his life back on a gold lined platter! Ahh to peace once again!

Blamers are people that refuse to take any kind of responsibility for their own lives. When things go wrong in their life they tend to blame other people. Whether something goes wrong at home, work or school they try to find someone else to blame. I have found they tend to blame those that love them the most. Why? Because these will be the first people to 'fix' their problems and become their rescuers. Blamers will rarely admit to their own problems. Typically the statements you will hear from them are "It wasn't my fault." "How was I suppose to know?" "It's your fault." etc. Their dialogue usually goes something like this. "If only you had done something differently, then I wouldn't be in the predicament that I'm in. It's your fault."

By blaming other people for the problems in their life, they become powerless to change anything. Their thoughts hold them in victim consciousness. They believe and hold thoughts of:

• I cannot change my life.
• I am a victim of circumstance.
• I am a victim of my past.
• Life is hard.
• There is always more work to be done.
• Plus numerous other ones.

In order to move past this, they must begin to think differently. They must change themselves. We all know by now, that we can't change anyone but ourself, right? We can't change the blamer, we can only work on changing ourself and our reaction to the blamer. I leat that I needed to stop being the rescuer! We know it's not our fault, so no more fixing it! How far are you willing to sacrifice yourself for someone else's problem? That's a tough question, but how low will you go? Take a tough love stance and let them take responsibility for their own life. They created it. They need to lea whatever it is that they have created so let them experience it themselves! If this is a spouse or child, it's even harder because nine times out of ten, the problem effects your marriage and your family. I'm certainly not saying this is going to be a walk in the park! It isn't easy but you have to stand your ground the second they present their next problem to you. Ask them what 'they' are going to do about 'their' problem. A temper tantrum will likely ensue, leave the room if you have to and don't send negative energy back into the cycle! Come back to it after they have completed their dramatic hissy fit. This is an excellent opportunity for you to lea the limits on your boundaries and also stretch your compassionate detachment muscles! All very empowering tasks and ones that will bring empowerment knocking on your door.

Knowing beforehand that this is a repetitive cycle where both people are getting their desired energy fix, will make it easier to remain de-attached to the blamers problem. Why? Because now you as the rescuer will be taking responsibility for your part in the game! The blamers gets satisfaction for not taking responsibility for their life along with the boost of power and control they feel they have over you when you do fix their problem. The rescuer gets satisfaction for being the hero and solving the problem.

If you are at the point now in your life of rolling your eyeballs in disgust because here comes another problem to be fixed, then you are well aware that it is time to change things! Where do you start? Yourself. You can use positive affirmations. Write them down on some index cards and carry them with you, put them beside your night stand, hang them above the kitchen sink, on the mirror in the bathroom and even stick them in your visor of your car! You can also change your thought patte by replacing a negative thought with a positive one whenever they creep in. Once you become aware of your thoughts you will be amazed at how much negativity is hanging around up there having a pity party! Another method is going into a slight meditative state and re-programming your mind with positive beliefs and positive thoughts. Visualization is also very effective. You can visualize yourself with the desired outcome of resolving the issue at hand. Not fixing the person's problem, but resolving the issue between yourself and the blamer. Hard feelings, how you will handle it, how you see them re-acting to you, etc.

Throughout our history, there have been many great, wise people from all walks of life that carry the same basic understanding: what we believe we will somehow create. This is so much more powerful and truthful than once thought! We truly are the creators of our life! The continual thoughts flowing through our minds is the projection of our soon to be reality! Regardless if the thoughts are positive or negative, what you think, you will create! James Allen once said, "The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs." Maitri Upanishad says that everything that happens in our own world is a reflection of how we think. "One's own thought is one's world. What a person thinks is what he becomes." We are powerful beings, waking up to the true potential of who we really are. Be aware of what thoughts you allow to stay in mind. Your future is being created by you and only you!

I remember reading a study a while ago. In this particular experiment, they had ten 'average' people dress the same and line up in front of a panel of convicted robbers. Five of these 'average' people had low self-esteem, had fears of being attacked by someone and no self-confidence. The other five 'average' people had high self-esteem, didn't carry any thoughts of being attacked and were very confident. The panel of criminals knew none of this information. They were asked to pick three people they would choose to be their next victim by appearance only. Each criminal picked three out of the five low self-esteem category! Why am I telling you this? Your thoughts are energy. What you think is sent out. For these particular people, their thoughts are projecting I am a victim. The criminal picks up the signal and targets that person. Even though these thoughts were fearful and not something they wanted to happen, it happened because they were thinking it. They created it. Powerful! This is what I would classify as a fatal attraction! These attractions occur daily through this hidden language of energy/thought. Granted it goes both ways, negative creation and positive creation. We interact through our energetic body, the invisible field surrounding our physical body. Our thoughts make up a part of this energetic body.

If you have the desire to change your life, regardless of what condition you want to change, change your thoughts and your belief system. Thoughts and beliefs that we have about ourselves and the world alter our perception, our hope, our energy, our health, our mood, our actions, our relationships, our entire life! Thoughts are extremely powerful and creative. The example above was a negative one, now imagine how powerful you can be if you change your thoughts to positive ones. Attracting wealth, great health, vitality, love, positive relationships, the list is endless! It is yours to create as you are the creator, so start creating joy and the perfect life you have always wanted today!

What kind of thoughts are you allowing to create your life?

If you have any questions regarding this article or need some help via coaching/counseling please feel free to email me at lisa@infinitylighthealing.com

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Lisa Whatley is an Indigo/Crystal Adult, single mother of four Indigo/Crystal Children, an Entrepreneur, Writer, an Energy Facilitator and Spiritual Coach. She has helped many people change their lives with the services she provides. She resides with her four children in Northe Ontario Canada. She can be reached through her personal website www.InfinityLightHealing.com Special Request: © Copyright 2004-5 Lisa Whatley www.InfinityLightHealing.com You may share this information in it's entirety with others freely, provided that this notice is included. You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.

Jul 6, 2009

The Day I Walked With God

I�ve been seeking to reach a conscious contact with God and the life source that connects as all for the better part of my life. Searching for my purpose, knowing all along that the world was far bigger than my humanly 5 senses could ever understand. Inner peace, harmony with the universe, free from self-doubt and at one with God and his will for me.

My perfect day is to walk with God, without fear, my true father and the source of all life, and at this time selfishly have God�s ear to me and me alone. I don�t question him about the suffering I brought upon myself. I do not blame him for the hardships I�ve endured. I have this amazing peace about me and the Lord�s spirit engulfs me with joy and gratitude. I ask the Lord what special plan he had for me, because I�m confident that he has a very particular mission from me and all that has happened in my life so far was necessary for me to endure in order to bring hope and Faith to the multitudes. I don�t ask God what took him so long; instead it is he who asks me �My son, what took you so long�? �So many times you called on me. You prayed for second chances. You promised to tu your will over to me, yet so many times you took it back. Your sacrifices were of your own doing, yet it is your suffering which makes you a powerful tool to help those who are able to relate to you. Sinners need to hear from sinners, for the voice of a saint will fall on death ears, yet a sinner who has given his life to the Lord carries a powerful influence to those who still wander this earth lost, searching for hope and it is your tales of faith that shall pierce their hearts and fill their souls with my spirit and they too shall find the peace I have lovingly given to you. Give of your self freely, for your reward is larger than your earthly mind could ever understand�

We walk along an empty beach yet I don�t feel my feet touching the sand. I realize that he is showing me a glimpse of heaven, for my heart is overwhelmed with Joy and my mind is at peace as I realize that the exteal conces that absorb us as humans in this world are the farthest thing away from the life that my God desires for me.

I begin to ask him questions that remain mysteries to us as humans. �Is there a heaven?� �Will I see my departed love ones when I leave this realm and move on to the afterlife?� God laid his hand on my shoulder. I felt a powerful Love that brought tears to my eyes. So overwhelming, indescribable in any manner or words known to man. It feels as if I�m floating in God�s arms and I feel safe and secure for the first time in my life.

When I tu to look at him I am somewhat blinded by this amazing light. A light different then any light I have seen on this earth. Suddenly all my wonders become so clear to me, so simple that I never saw them, all the while they were with me, right in front of me. No, not in front of me, or beside me, but within me. I had lived in the material world for so long that I had truly lost site of who I was and why I was here. At last my purpose was clear to me and I could hear the angels singing from the gates of heaven. My heart rejoiced and I can not describe the freedom I was basking in or the pleasure I was feeling knowing that God loved me so much. It became so clear to me how tiny my earthly conces had been. My life would no longer be lived in the earthly plain where guilt and envy dwelled. I would never again worry about anything, including money, food, health, or employment. These were all things that will be left behind when my jouey here was over and I went to dwell in the house of the Lord. I knew that I would be provided for and I could now set my intentions on God�s will for me.

I walk this earth to give hope to those in despair, to give faith to those who see no future, and love to all of God�s children unconditionally. Through my trials and tribulations came a powerful message from God through me. I will lead by example with a loving soul and a forgiving heart. I will not indulge prejudice but treat all my brothers and sisters as equals, because we are all one and the same in the eyes of our Lord.

As God wishes I will breach the boundaries of this worlds many religions, for there is one God and he chooses no favorites, with the exception of those who do his work and follow his word. To those they shall have favor from our Lord and from all men. They are not above any other man; only in their testimonies do they separate them selves as disciples of the lord, messengers and leaders by example.

Before the lord left me he comforted me. He promised me that His spirit will guide me and be with me for eteity. �You will walk this earth with angels at your side. All who see you will know that you have the hand of God upon you�. �Do not fear, for you as a believer have opened the gates of heaven to all whom you love, those with you now and those that now reside in peace in the house of your Lord�. I was so rejoiced and began to walk on air. �I love you so much God, Thank you!� And once again God laid his hands on me and his voice spoke through my ears to the depths of my soul. �I love you my son and I am very proud of you�. My body was filled with this beautiful spirit that consumed my every being. The spirit was loving and nurturing and the purest of pure. I was as a newbo coming into this world cleansed and without sin. I felt compassion, every breath of air I took was full of direction and purpose.

The Lord left my side yet I could still feel him resting inside of me. What an honor to serve such a loving Father. It was time to spread God�s love and compassion with those who were suffering spiritually. What a wonderful jouey lies ahead. What a wonderful friend to travel with. Yes, I am truly blessed! Now there's work to be done and love to be spread. God Bless You!

Jay Bartels is the author of many human interest stories. Jay's own story of hope and inspiration can be found on his highly resourcefull family sites. Jay is a single father raising two young girls and shares his experiences in several jouals that can be found on his web sites. If you would like to contact Jay, he will be happy to accept your email to him at BOCABOYJAY@aol.com

If you enjoyed this article, please visit Jay's Family sites at Jays Plan - Secrets of a Single Dad and Family Health With Mister Mom.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Bartels

Jay Bartels - EzineArticles Expert Author

Jul 5, 2009

That Awful Word SUBMISSION

"Wives should be submissive to their husbands as if to the Lord because the husband is head of his wife just as Christ is head of his body the church, as well as its savior" (Ephesians 5:22-23).

There's that dreaded word submission! Lest I be accused of being a traitor to the better half (depending on who is reading this, of course!) let's remember that even Christ submitted to his Father and the servants on earth are not greater than the Master. God is the author of peace, and there must be order in the world, from the family unit on up to the very universe itself. Actually, in verse 21, each is to submit to the other but, in the heavenly scheme of things, the wife is finally to submit to the Christian husband's decisions. It is hoped that the husband arrives at household decisions through prayer and deep conce for the welfare and salvation of his wife and his children. Amos 3:3 was us: "Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?" I realize we don't know a person until we have lived with him/her, but it would help if we agree on the basics like church, children, ideas and ideals. The toothpaste we can deal with later.

There is no inferiority implied here, for both are equal before the Lord, and each is responsible to God and to each other. God has first claim, and each have first duty to God and then to each other. It is the gracious obedience of equal to equal that God asks, so that harmony may result. I'm old enough to remember when men were men and women were women, and we seemed content with that; we complemented each other. We even threw in a compliment once a month. But today we seem hell-bent on rearranging God's plan for mankind and womankind--and we seem to have forgotten to be kind, period.

Let's get back to God's plan and we'll all be happier.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patricia_Nordman

Jul 4, 2009

Put To The Sword

Direct Answers - Column for the week of December 23, 2002

My girlfriend has an aggressive sense of humor. She teases and likes to parry put-downs. She says it is all in fun, and it is very important that she can joke with her partner. She thinks I am thin-skinned and overly sensitive.

Indeed I know I am sensitive, but this is a vicious circle which makes me more and more sensitive. No doubt this kind of dialogue is very common amongst some people. I witness it almost daily with friends or certain colleagues.

To me there are limits and obviously my limits are different than hers. I'm working on being less sensitive, but the only way to do that is to numb myself, which doesn't give her the participation she wants. She says she will try to do it less, but it always comes back.

I do not think she believes there is a problem on her side. She's said she wants this in a relationship, and if I can't handle it, maybe we aren't right for each other. Other parts of our relationship are great, but I don't understand why a clearly negative behavior is so important, especially for an intelligent person.


Albert, your girlfriend is good at swordplay, but she can't fence by herself. She wants you to play so she can feel good about herself. She has a fondness for something hurtful. That says more about her character than you realize.

There is a difference between humor and wit. Humor puts us in the same boat as the other person, while wit throws us out of the boat and into the water with the sharks. That is why humorists are often loved, while wits are often quoted but seldom loved.

Your girlfriend is a wit. She is not too thick-skinned to realize she hurts others. Most likely she simply doesn't care. Making you wince is part of her nature. Look for a girlfriend who wants to row the boat with you, not feed you to the fishes.


Love And Money

I have been in a relationship for two years. Early on my boyfriend became angry about picking up the tab, even though I offered many times and he tued me down. We worked through that and I try to be aware of equality.

Recently we were driving to a party for a coworker. I also consider her a friend. My boyfriend drove, as he always tus down my invitation to drive. In route to the party he glanced down at me programming my mobile phone, and we heard a big bump. The car had hit something.

We could not determine what it was and thought perhaps he had scraped a mailbox close to the road. Later we realized that a deer hit the car. Two days later he was parked and someone backed into the other side of his car.

He took the car in and his insurance company is making him pay the deductible of $250. My dilemma is that he thinks I should pay half because we were going to my friend's party. I am appalled. What do you think?


Cammie, when most people read "A Christmas Carol," they identify with someone who feels the joy of the season, like Bob Cratchit. Your boyfriend identifies with Ebenezer Scrooge.

In Dickens' tale, the Ghost of Christmas Past shows Scrooge how he lost his chance for love. Scrooge sees the woman who once promised herself to him saying, "Another idol has replaced me�a golden one." Your boyfriend's miserly approach to love may lead him to the same fate.

Driving carries a responsibility which cannot be assigned to another, and with a second accident, chances are your boyfriend would still be out the deductible. The measure of love is generosity, and yet there is a paradox. In a successful relationship each party should feel they receive more than they give.


About The Author

Authors and columnists Wayne and Tamara Mitchell can be reached at www.WayneAndTamara.com.

Send letters to: Direct Answers, PO Box 964, Springfield, MO 65801 or email: DirectAnswers@WayneAndTamara.com.