Oct 26, 2009

Life is a mystery or

Life is a mystery or Being the last of three daughters, which was a surprise for me parents who were very careful not to have any More children. At the age of 30 years my mother has discovered that expecting their third child, and not very happy that That. All my life I was constantly reminded how to grow Was not envisaged and therefore not really want. But thank God, I was a child and, indeed, was good be the best thing that never came. But with this thought in the back of my head, was formed so that the class Grew. I thought it was a "mistake" and Therefore should not have been bo before. Where misfits fit in? I know that my mother does not mean to inculcate these ideas in me, but I had an important role confidence.It in my car it was not until a couple of years ago, which actually came to I realize that it was not a mistake, and although it was a big surprise for my partents, called me to be a quarter something for a God who knows us, even before formed in our mother womb.I now know that life is not a secret, God has a plan for each And each of us. How I know this you may ask. Once became saved, I started strong in the Word of God And he has answers for every question you can ever. The answer to what my goal is yours, and also for question can be found in the book Ephesians.Ephes. 1:4 According as He chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and Blameless before him in love.Ephes. 1:5 Having predestinated us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ himself, in accordance with good His pleasure will.This tells us that He has chosen us even before they formed the land so that it would be holy and distinguished for scholarships With him. He chose to become his heirs kingdom through his Son Christ must choose to be His son through adoption.As created the first man and woman in His own image, Ordered and have been fruitful and multiply Dominion over every living thing on earth. Just what is the Image of God? His image is displayed in all attributes are love, tendeess, kindness, humility, Disinterested ... all that is good and holy. As God is the trinity, defined as three separate entities, has also created men into three parts, the body, mind and spirit. The body represents our caal man, the party is destined to die, the mind is our will and our emotions and spirit is what Spirit unites us to God. " We were created to be a spiritual being with a human experience and human Have a spiritual experience. Do not confuse these two or go through life wondering why you're here.In his agape (perfect) from their love of God created man to be his sons, so that he could bless to distinguish them from any other living creature on Land. Be devoted, we must be righteous and holy and enter into a beautiful relationship with God our Father. For God commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, it is no doubt that his intention was to fill land and a large garden Eden.But since God is a loving Father and not a tyrant, he His new creation, free choice of love or of no retu. In allowing us to take our decisions would have to know Who really loves him. He does not do anyone with scholarships What we do not choose to do so.This is the fall of mankind from the beginning as God was an adversary, the devil, that the work has been to destroy Perfect plan of God. " To this day Satan is still trying to comply with this plan, but it will be a process and one day be condemned to the lake of fire for eteity. Not only Himself, but who continues to live Same sentence. Because God is holy, He can not allow the sinners of the world for entry into his kingdom. A son of Satan, is the son of God, without hope the adoption of these disobedient ones.Satan 's pride and arrogance is what drove the the sky and, therefore, was given full reign on earth and that is why today our war is not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers (Ephes. 6:12). Satan Takes his exile in the land very seriously, is adament destroy what God meant for good. His first goal the destruction was, of course, the unsuspecting Eve. Went smart, shrewd and charming at the same time. Drew Eve thought that God had lied to her and that if he ate The result would be like a god and he knows All. This sounds very attractive! Temptation is the beginning of sin that is difficult to resist. The first The flavor is sweet and always in a satisfactory manner. Usually it feels like More. And the sin is contagious. As he ate the fruit and seemed to be enjoying so much, Adam was not very To try too. Not correct their behavior, which tolerated and enters the forbidden fruit, as well. To today it is very difficult to resist the temptations Lead to sin. Varied and is human to be attracted by what is Prohibited. It raises our curiosity. We do not rationalize seriousness of sin, until it is too late.If listened to our spirit, we know that when things is forbidden by our own good to resist them. The catastrophic results generally are not indicated in the first which is why it is so attractive as to be convinced that Satan Eva deeper.Just not die (at least no delay), we always justify the reasons for May yield to temptation. Being human, we say Ourselves that no one will be male, why not Right? Mal ... as the Bible says, there are only collecting What we have sown. You can not hide anything from God.Adam and Eve had their eyes opened to their nakedness And can not hide from God, either. Once the sin keep your eyes open for the realization that we are naked before God and nothing can hide the fact. Sin Takes An immediate change of events. Once outside, as As Adam, not our responsibility. As God left in office, has been questioned for the first offense. Immediately pointed the finger at New Year and said that God She has done. If this sounds familiar? What will Around comes around. Then blame Eve for the snake her.After fooled all these thousands of years, we have changed our Nature to all sinners. Always pointing the finger at others rather than Own up to what we did. We have not made much progress area.But in this God who is holy and just man is also the same Yesterday, today and forever. Do not listen to it later and he still does not listen to their lies and excuses. He commanded to obey and had only heard of him Be blessed abundantly. But as a result And cursed Satan, too. So why not assume that God will overlook our sins today? One thing that God can not neglect is deliberate or tolerate sin. Once we know the truth, we can not sin if deliberately Actually saved. Paul writes in His Word as follows: Heb. 10:26 a.m. For if sin deliberately after we received Knowledge of the truth, there is no more Sacrifice for sins. (c. 27), however, a certain fear of looking Sentence and fiery indignation, which devour the adversaries.As result of disobedience of the first man, God cast from a life of blessing to one of the difficulties. This inheritently curse is spent in each generation. We free will to tu from sin and choose to enjoy the blessings of God or die in disobedience against him, after Sentence. Remember, he does not exceptions to rules.Just how God created man from dust, man of promise retu to dust in order to accept his eteal life through Christ. You know where you spend eteity? If you I'm not sure it is not too late to get right with God is always ready to forget and forgive your sins. He loves you and invites you to be part of His kingdom through His Son Satan Christ.Is not worth it when you do not have your best Interest at hand? Remember that in order to steal, kill and Destroy. No matter how attractive their offer may seem, only realize that is a liar and the father of them. Knowing the truth! I ask God to forgive him his sins, because you are a sinner and must accept Christ as their Lord and Savior of Take responsibility for their lives. He will intercede for you when you I ask God in prayer. Admitting that you believe that Christ died, it was Buried and resurrected to eteal life. Let her lead and soon you will see a change in your life. Know that your purpose is to serve a loving God who wants to to bless and give you eteal life.To be a friend of Jesus is a friend of sinners. Make a difference in the life of someone today.Vivian Gordon was a follower of Christ to be inspired good news of the Gospel to all those who listen. E 'la tua the work of planting the seed of eteal life in the heart that can Stoney ground otherwise.

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